Two friends

Two friends met as a good man perished together for a beer. After recovering the most important topics (politics, women, football ...), one asks:
- And how many children do you have?
- I have three children.
- And how many years have you?
A friend already does not want to answer a direct question directly, and then he says:
- The product of their years equals the number 36, and the sum of the years is the number of beers we drink here today.
The second thing and say:
- That is not enough!
- You're right. The oldest has bigger ears!

Correct answer:

a =  2
b =  3
c =  6

Step-by-step explanation:

abc=36 36 = 2 2 3 3 a<b<c a=2
c=2 3=6 x=a+b+c=2+3+6=11 y=a b c=2 3 6=36 c=6

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