Conversion of time units
Enter a time as a number and select the unit from and to have a unit conversion done.Direct conversion: d to h; h to d; h to min; min to h; min to s; s to min;
Conversion of a time unit in word math problems and questions
- A trip to the peak Dry
Calculate what percentage of the trip from Strečno to peak Suchý (Dry peak) is longer than the descent back. The team of tourists (Palo, Peter, and Andrew) 's rise took 4:21 and descent 3:08.
- I visited
I visited my grandmother over the weekend. On Saturday, I arrived at her house or 10:35:02. I left on Sunday at 12:45:00. How long was my visit to my grandmother?
- Two-quarters 4068
The theatrical performance began at 7:30 PM and lasted two-quarters of an hour with one 20-minute break. What time did the show end?
- Obtuse angle
Which obtuse angle is creating clocks at 17:00?
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