Direct proportionality - math word problems - page 22 of 35
Two sequences of numbers are proportional if their corresponding elements have a constant ratio. Direct proportionality is the dependence of two quantities, such that the number of times one quantity increases, the other quantity increases as many times. In other words: direct proportionality is a relationship in which it applies: in what proportion one quantity changes, in that proportion the other quantity also changes.For example:
For 1 euro, I buy 10 rolls, then for 2 euros I buy 20 rolls in the same store.
A car travels at a constant speed, then the distance traveled is directly proportional to the time spent traveling, with the speed being the constant of proportionality.
Number of problems found: 688
- Rectangular 4780
The television studio plan is made on a scale of 1:150. It shows a rectangular studio measuring 5 cm and 6 cm. If we pay 356 crowns for 1 m² of floating floor, how many crowns will we pay to cover the studio with a floating floor?
- Seventeen 4742
Seventeen workers produce more than 15 workers by 46 products. How many products will 20 workers make?
- Map scale
What is the map's scale if 5.4 km is 72 mm on the map?
- Diamond 4695
The handle is made of alloy. The alloy is in a ratio of 6 parts gold, three parts lead, and eight parts diamond. The handle weighs 24 kg. How much weight are gold and lead?
- Three workers
Three workers were paid for their work. The first earned € 50, the second € 100, and the third € 60. For further work, we should receive € 735 together. How do you divide that amount to be distributed in the same proportion as the first job?
- Candies
There are red, blue and green candies in bad. Red to green is in the 6:11 ratio, and blue to red is in the 7:5 ratio. In what proportion are blue to green candies?
- Five-crowns 4655
Martin has metal coins saved up in the cash box. Crowns, two-crowns, and five-crowns. The ratio of crowns to five-crowns is 7:4, and five-crowns to two-crowns is 2:9. What is the ratio of crowns and double crowns?
- Tree shadow
The tree perpendicular to the horizontal surface has a shadow 8.32 meters long. At the same time, a one-meter rod perpendicular to the horizontal surface has a shadow 64 cm long. How tall is the tree?
- Purchased 4522
Ten friends decided to go hiking. They bought food supplies for 9 days. Before starting hiking, 4 boys fell ill. How many days can the boys extend their stay if they take the purchased food supply?
- Rectangle 3-4-5
The sides of the rectangle are in a ratio of 3:4. The length of its diagonal is 20 cm. Calculate the area of the rectangle.
- Dimensions 4516
The course is 80m long and 35m wide. What will be its dimensions on a 1:500 map?
- Hours 4443
Lada drove 27 km in 3 hours. How many km will he go in 7 hours?
- What scale
What scale is the map drawn if it shows a 15km route from the station to the ruins with a line 30cm long? A) 1:2000 B) 1:5000 C) 1:20,000 D) 1:50,000
- Rhombus and diagonals
The rhombus area is 150 cm2, and the ratio of the diagonals is 3:4. Calculate the length of its height.
- Materials 4405
Two trucks were supposed to load the building materials in 10 days. After 6 days of work, the first car broke down, and the second one carried building materials for another 9 days. How many days would the first and second cars take the building materials
- Letohrad 4396
On a map at a scale of 1:400,000, the distance between Letohrad and Prague is 4.5 cm. What speed does Dad have to go to be in Prague at 9 o'clock when he leaves at 6 o'clock, 40 minutes?
- Tower model
The tower's height is 300 meters, and its weight is 8000 tons. How high is the model of the tower's weight of 1 kg? (State the result in centimeters). The model is made from exactly the same material as the original no numbers need to be rounded. A result
- 9332% 4371
When 17.2 kg is 94.9332%, how much kg is 66%?
- Two similar triangles
Find unknown sides of a similar triangles: a = 6cm, b = 8cm, c =?, a '=?, b '= 12cm, c' = 15cm
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