Maths practice for 14 year olds - page 301 of 312
Number of problems found: 6239
- Rhombus ABCD
Rhombus ABCD, |AC| = 63 cm, |BD| = 50 cm. Calculate the perimeter of the rhombus ABCD.
- Similarity
The area of the regular 10-gon is 563 cm². The area of similar 10-gon is 606 dm². What is the coefficient of similarity?
- No. of divisors
How many different divisors have number 13 4 * 2 4?
- Percentages above 100%
What is 144% of 65? What is the meaning of percentages above 100%?
- Bonus
The gross wage was 1323 USD, including the 25% bonus. How many USD were bonuses?
- Slope
What is the slope of a line with an inclination 3.96 rad?
- Cylinders
The area of the side of two cylinders is the same rectangle of 48 cm × 38 cm. Which cylinder has a larger volume, and by how much?
- Scale
The swimming pool is long 50 m and 30 m wide. The city's plan is shown as a rectangle with an area 2.4 cm². What scale is the city plan?
- IS triangle
Calculate the interior angles of the isosceles triangle with base 12 cm and legs 19 cm long.
- Short cut
Imagine that you are going to a friend. That path has a length of 120 meter. Then turn doprava and go other 630 meters, and you are at a friend's. The question is, how much will the journey be shorter if you go directly across the field?
- Line
Line p passes through A[5, -3] and has a direction vector v=(2, 3). Is point B[3, -6] on the line p?
- n-gon
Gabo draws an n-gon, in which angles are consecutive members of an arithmetic sequence. The smallest angle is 70° biggest 170°. How many sides have Gabo's n-gon?
- Angles
Find the interior angles of a rhombus with area 319.1 cm² and perimeter 72 cm.
- Vinegar 2
If we mix 3.5 liters of 5.8 % vinegar with 5 liters of 7.6 % vinegar, how many percentages of vinegar solution will we get?
- Cinema
The Cinema auditorium is built for 3300 people. The first row is planned for 36 seats, and each next gradually 4 more. How many rows of seats will have an auditorium?
- Camel
Camel's owner wants to get out of the city into an oasis. He bought 3000 bananas, which he wants to sell in the oasis. However, an oasis from the city divided 1,000 kilometers of desert. Camel can carry up to 1000 bananas and eats one banana for every kil
- Bath
There are 30 liters of hot water in the bath. Then we added 36 liters of cold water at a temperature of 19 °C and decreased the temperature of the water to 41 °C. What was the initial temperature of the hot water?
- IS trapezoid
Calculate the length of diagonal u and height v of isosceles trapezoid ABCD, whose bases have lengths a = |AB| = 37 cm, c = |CD| = 29 cm and legs b = d = |BC| = |AD| = 28 cm.
- Scrap
From 19 products are 4 scraps. What is the probability that the random pick of 2 products has no defective product?
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