Maths practice for 14 year olds - page 300 of 312
Number of problems found: 6240
- Drinking water
A man drinks a keg of water in 36 days, and a woman drinks in 65 days. How many days do they consume a keg together?
- Count of triangles
On each side of an ABCD square is 10 internal points. Determine the number of triangles with vertices at these points.
- Distance
Calculate the distance between two points K[6; -9] and G[5; -1].
- Triangle and its heights
Calculate the length of the sides of the triangle ABC if va=5 cm, vb=7 cm and side b are 5 cm shorter than side a.
- Building
How high is the building that throws horizontal shadow 85.6 m long at angle 34°12'?
- Sequence
Write the first 7 members of this sequence: a1 = 8 a2 = -9 an+2 = an+1 +4 an
- Triangle ABC
Calculate the sides of the triangle ABC with an area of 1995 cm², and if sides are in a ratio a: b: c = 3:6:6
- Equilateral triangle
How long should the minimum radius of the circular plate be cut into an equilateral triangle with side 21 cm from it?
- Two cars
Two cars started against each other simultaneously to journey long 230 km. The first car went 48 km/h and the second 56 km/h. What distance will be between these cars 20 minutes before a meeting?
- Team
The football team has 11 players. Their average age is 20 years. During the match, one player withdraws due to injury, and the team's average age is 18. How old was the injured player?
- Arc
Convert to arc measures (radians): 919 ° The result write as a multiple of π
- Rectangle
The rectangle is 21 cm long and 38 cm wide. Find the radius of the circle circumscribing the rectangle.
- Logs
The trunk diameter is 52 cm. Is it possible to inscribe a square prism with a side 27 cm?
- Lathe
From the cube of edge, 41 cm was a lathed maximum cylinder. What percentage of the cube is left as waste after being lathed?
- Triangle in circle
The vertices of the triangle ABC lie on a circle with a radius 3, which is divided into three parts in the ratio 4:4:4. Calculate the circumference of the triangle ABC.
- Garden
The square garden area is 2/9 of a triangle garden with sides 160 m, 100 m, and 100 m. How many meters of fencing are needed to fence a square garden?
- Truck
The truck went for 4 hours and 51 minutes. If the truck increases its speed by 23 km/h, it will go the same distance in 2 hours. Calculate this distance.
- Pairs
At the table sit 10 people, 5 on one side and 5 on the other side. Among them are 3 pairs. Every pair wants to sit opposite each other. How many ways can they sit?
- Cube zoom
If we magnify the cube's edge by 47 %, how many percent does this increase the cube's volume and surface?
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