Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 299 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6003
- Trapezium zoom
How many times should the area of the trapezoid be increased if all sides and altitudes increase 5 times?
- Sumo competition
In the competition for the heaviest man was 5 competitors. The first three together weighed 369 kg. What is the minimal weight of the winner if a contestant weighed with an accuracy of one kilogram?
- Triangle angles
The angles α, β, γ in triangle ABC are in the ratio 6:2:6. Calculate the size of angles.
- Degrees to radians
Convert magnitude of the angle α = 33°25'45" to radians:
- Rectangle A2dim
Calculate the side of the rectangle if you know that its area is 2590 m² and one side is 74 m.
- Window
Peter demolished a box hole in the wall for the window frame 147×51 cm. When they come, they will find a master-fitted frame and window that glass is 13.3 cm from the hole in each direction. Calculate how much percent less light enters the window th
- Solidarity
Imagine a word solidarity means that salt donation to the needy, who have neither the salt. If we take the word solidarity, it is a word based on salt + gift (only in the Slovakian language). Calculate how many kilos of salt a sympathetic citizen "gives"
- Density - simple example
Material of density of 1189 kg/m³ occupies a container volume of 64 cm³. What is its mass?
- Circle arc
The circle segment has a circumference of 135.26 dm and 2096.58 dm² area. Calculate the radius of the circle and the size of the central angle.
- Insurance
The house owner is insured against natural disasters and pays 0.05% annually of the value of the house 88 Eur. Calculate the value of the house. Calculate the probability of disaster if you know that 50% of the insurance is to pay damages.
- Garden
Trapezoid garden has parallel sides 19 m and 24 m. Its area is 193.5 square meters. What is the width of the garden?
- Rectangular trapezoid
How many inner right angles have a rectangular trapezoid?
- Present
The gift box has a rectangular shape with dimensions of 8×8×3 cm. Miloslav wants to cover it with square paper with sides of 18 cm. How much paper was left to him?
- Monkey
The monkey fell into 20 meters deep well. Every day it climbs 3 meters, at night it drops back by 2 m. On what day it gets out from the well?
- Mine
The wheel in the traction tower has a diameter of 4 m. How many meters will perform an elevator cabin if the wheel rotates in the same direction 89 times?
- Clocks
How long will a path of the end of the clock's minute-hand long 23 cm for 340 minutes? How long will we walk at the same time hour-hand?
- Kites
Boys run kites on a cable of 68 meters long. What is the kite altitude if the angle from the horizontal plane is 72°?
- Shape
The plane shape has a maximum area 677 mm². Calculate its perimeter if the perimeter is the smallest possible.
- Maximum area of rhombus
Calculate the interior angles at which the equilateral rhombus has a maximum area.
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