Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 300 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- Farmer
The farmer is farming 293 ha of arable land, and the remaining 20% are meadows and pastures. How much land does the farmer own?
- Rhombus HP
Calculate the area of the rhombus with height 75 cm and perimeter 16 cm.
- Drunk man
The drunk man has 2.6‰ of alcohol in his blood. How many grams of alcohol has in his blood if he has 5 kg of blood?
- Cube wall
The surface of the first cube wall is 64 m². The second cube area is 40% of the surface of the first cube. Find the length of the edge of the second cube (x).
- Scientists from the Social Insurance
Aaron became on sick leave, and social insurance granted him sick leave of 13.8211695 EUR per day. Calculate the number of days to save Aaron from rolling in the price of 0.1 Eur if they postpone the amount of the last decimal place of his sickness every
- Triangles
An equilateral triangle with a side of 16 cm has the same perimeter as an isosceles triangle with an arm of 23 cm. Calculate the base x of an isosceles triangle.
- Ladder
The ladder 8 m long is leaning against the wall. Its foot is 1 m away from the wall. At which height does the ladder touch the wall?
- Percent calculation
Calculate 8% if 44% is 32.
- Acid
The barrel is 79 liters of 60% acid. How many percent of acids occur when 4 liters are revoked and replaced with the same amount of water?
- Election mathematics
In elections, 12 political parties received this share of voters: party A 56.2 %party B 8.5 %party C 8.2 %party D 6.2 %party E 6.1 %party F 5.5 %party G 3.2 %party H 2.1 %party I 2 %party J 1 %party K 1 % Calculate what the shares acquired in the parliame
- Cu thief
The thief stole 25 meters of copper wire with a cross-section area of $s mm². Calculate how much money is earned on scrap redemption if copper is redeemed for 5.1 Eur/kg. Copper's density is 8.96 t/m³.
- Bicycle wheel
A bicycle wheel has a diameter of 60 cm. Approximately how many times does the wheel rotate at a 2.5 km long trip?
- Report card
Ivor hit 4× grade 5 at the beginning of the school year. How many times must you now catch grade 1 to get grade 2 on the report card?
- N-gon angles
What is the sum of interior angles 8-gon? What is the internal angle of a regular convex 8-polygon?
- Reconstruction of the corridor
Calculate how many minutes will be reduced to travel a 167 km long railway corridor, where the maximum speed increases from 120 km/h to 160 km/h. Calculate how many minutes will shorten travel time if we consider that the train must stop at 6 stations. Ea
- Ultra expensive ramps
The village Čakajovce have two-level railway crossings (the ramps), the railway company ZSR decided to replace it. The price for upgrading the two crossings is 302065 Euros. Calculate how we can obtain many houses for 77000 euros at this price. Calculate
- Right triangle Alef
The obvod of a right triangle is 120 cm, and the hypotenuse is 51 cm long. Determine the lengths of the legs.
- Trolleybus
Trolleybus line No. 215 measured 30 km. If the trolley bus goes faster by 4 km/h, the way there and back would be shorter by 39 minutes. Calculate the trolley bus speed and time for a return trip.
- Required reserves
Calculate the minimum amount of money the bank must hold in cash from your deposit 2750 Eur. How much money is ideally created in the banking system from your deposit if the level of minimum reserve requirement is 2.15%? Consider fractional reserve system
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