Rectangular flowerbed

Around the rectangular flowerbed with dimensions of 5.25 m and 3.50 m, roses should be planted at the same distance from each other so that they are located in each corner of the flower bed and consumed as little as possible. How far do we plant them? How many roses will we need?

Correct answer:

d =  175 cm
n =  10

Step-by-step explanation:

a=5.25 m cm=5.25 100  cm=525 cm b=3.50 m cm=3.50 100  cm=350 cm 525=3527 350=2527 GCD(525,350)=527=175  d=GCD(a,b)=GCD(525,350)=175 cm
o=2 (a+b)=2 (525+350)=1750  n=o/d=1750/175=10

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