Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 298 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6003
- Equilateral triangle
Calculate the side of an equilateral triangle if its area is 886 mm².
- Circle
How big is the area of a circle if its circumference is 51.2 cm?
- Copper sheet
The copper plate has a length of 2.2 m, width 92 cm, and weighs 5.6 kg. What is the plate thickness if 1 m³ weighs 8732 kg?
- Cylinder
Calculate the dimensions of rotating cylindrical containers with volume 2 l if the container's height is equal to the base's diameter.
- Car range
Kia has an average diesel consumption of 5 liters per 100 kilometers. What is the range of the car for 135 euros if fuel costs 1.4 EUR/liter, if the tank has a volume of 51 liters?
- Forest nursery
In the Forest nursery plant, one birch to 1.2 m². Calculate how many plants are planted in the area of 738 acres.
- Fuel consumption
Mazda car has an average nafty consumption of 4.2 liters per 100 kilometers. What is the car range for a full tank of volume 73 liters?
- Pipe
Steel pipe has a length of 1.7 meters. About how many decimetres is 1/3 less than 8/9 of this steel pipe?
- Flags
How many different flags can be made from green, white, blue, red, orange, yellow, and purple materials, so each flag consists of three different colors?
- Carbon dioxide
Calculate how many grams of oxygen are in 58 grams of carbon dioxide CO2. The relative atomic mass of oxygen is 16, and of carbon is 12.
- Iron
Iron ore contains 54% iron. How much iron ore is needed to produce 23 tons of iron?
- Barrel of oil
The barrel of oil weighs 283 kg. When it molded 26% oil, it weighed 216 kg. What is the mass of the empty barrel?
- Extreme temperatures
The USA hit an extreme heat wave. Calculate the percentage of the air temperature change from normal summer temperature $t2 °C to $t1 °C.
- Copper plate
Copperplate length 3.2 m and width 50 cm weigh 55.42 kg. What is the plate thickness if 1 m³ of copper weighs about 8700 kg?
- Magnification of the square
If we increase the square side, increase the area of the 57 %. About what percentage was increased on its side?
- Circle and angle
What is the length of the arc of a circle with radius r = 207 mm with central angle 5.33 rad?
- Promile
Calculate the 17.6 ‰ of 353.
- Tesco Clubcard
František got quarterly billing vouchers for Tesco ClubCard, taking goods worth 6.5 Eur. Calculate the average monthly amount Tesco stores bought goods. Tesco ClubCard works for every Euro spent; you get one ClubCard point, which Tesco will convert to one
- Quiz
The tested student answered correctly on a 4/ 8 question. The wrong answer was 16. How many questions were answered?
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