Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 279 of 300
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6000
- Wood
Peter chops wood. If they cut down a half hour a day, he would finish work in nine days. But Peter needs to finish work three days earlier. How many minutes should they cut down a day?
- Five tractors
Five tractors plow the field in 4.8 hours. How long would it take to plow this field if, after 1.5 hours of work, two tractors went to a different field?
- Common cylinder
I've quite a common example of a rotary cylinder. Known: S1 = 1 m2, r = 0.1 m Calculate : v =? V =? Can you verify the results?
- Wood
Wood contains 12% water. One m³ of wood weighs 650 kg. How many liters of water does it contain?
- Cargo
The weight of the cargo car is 761 kg. The car's weight is 23% of the total weight of the car+cargo. What is the weight of the cargo load?
- Container
On the first day, I removed 1/4 of the water from the full container, and on the second day, I removed 1/5 of the remaining water. Thus, how many percent remain container-filled?
- Pumps
The first pump flows 16 liters per second into the basin by the second pump 75% of the first and by the third pump half more than the second. How long will it take to fill the basin with all three pumps simultaneously, a volume of 15 m³ (cubic meters)?
- Family
Martin has just as brothers and sisters. But his sister Jana has two times more brothers than sisters. a) How many children are in this family? b) How many boys and how many girls are in the family?
- Percentage of waste
In a square plate with a side 75 cm, we cut four same circles. Calculate the percentage of waste.
- Square and circle
Into the square is an inscribed circle with a diameter of 10 cm. What is the difference between a circumference square and a circle?
- Minute-hand
How long will a large (minute) hand travel on the clock for 48 minutes if its length is 56 cm?
- Again saw
We have a sculpture beam from the tree trunk with a rectangular cross-section with dimensions 91 mm and 87 mm. What is the trunk's smallest diameter?
- Plumber
The plumber had to cut the metal strip with dimensions of 380 cm and 60 cm to the largest squares to no waste. Calculate the length of the sides of a square. How many squares cut it?
- Buses
Buses Ikarus and Karosa simultaneously started at 8:00 from the final station. Ikarus is returned to the station after 30 minutes. Karosa after 45 minutes. At what time do both buses again return to the station?
- Weight of air
What is the weight of air in the living room measuring width 8 m, length 5 m, and height 3.1 m? Air density is ρ = 1.2959 kg/m³.
- Train from Brno
The first train started from Brno at 8 AM at 60 km per hour. The second train started from Opava at 7 o'clock at 40 kilometers per hour. In how many hours and how far from cities do trains meet when the distance between cities is 200 kilometers?
- Parking
One hundred twenty vehicles are parked in the morning. Passenger car is charged 20 CZK and 50 CZK per bus. The guard collected for parking 2640 CZK in total. How many cars and buses stood in the parking?
- Tractors
Six tractors started plowing the field, and work together took 12 days. Agronomist hesitates to: A) after two days, withdraw two tractors or B) after three days, withdraw three tractors. Help him which of these two cases will be plowing done sooner.
- Seamstress
The seamstress bought two kinds of textile together 25 meters. One at 50 SKK and the second at 70 SKK per meter. How many meters were purchased from these two textiles when paid 1540 SKK?
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