Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 280 of 300
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6000
- Three men
Alex is half younger than Jan, which is one-third younger than George. The sum of their ages is 48. How are these three men old?
- Eva
When Eva bought eight packages of cookies, 4 CZK left her. If she wanted to buy ten packages, she would have to borrow 20 CZK. How much money does Eva have in her wallet?
- Lenka and money
When Lenka bought pants from 1/3 of her savings and a shirt from 1/5 and 1/8 spent at the hairdresser, she was left with 328 CZK. How much money was saved? How much do hairdressers cost?
- RT and ratio
A right triangle whose legs are in a ratio 6:12 has a hypotenuse 68 m long. How long are its legs?
- Ski lessons
The ski course attends 80 pupils. They live in triple and quadruple rooms. Count if rooms are the 23. How many are triple and quadruple rooms?
- Pumps
Pump drawing water at velocity 3.5 liters per second from a construction trench takes 35 minutes. a) Find out how many minutes the water would run out of the trench pump that draws 7.4 liters of water per second. b) What pumping velocity would you have ha
- The balls
You have 108 red and 180 green balls. You have to be grouped into the bags so that the ratio of red to green in each bag is the same. What may the smallest number of balls be in one bag?
- Mushrooms from the forest
Magda and Tereza go to pick mushrooms. Found 70 mushrooms. Magda found that between fungi, 5/9 bedel was found. Tereza discovered that she found 2/17 champignons among fungi. How many mushrooms were found, Magda?
- Plan scale
At what scale is the drawn plan of the building, where one side is 45 meters long, and the plan is expressed by a straight line 12 mm long?
- Square room
What is the size of the smallest square room, which can be paved with tiles with dimensions of 55 cm and 45 cm? How many such tiles are needed?
- Box of chocolates
In a box of chocolates were 16 candies. Christopher and Luke were distributed: a) Christopher had about four candies over Luke, b) Christopher had about six candies less than Luke, c) Christopher had three times more sweets than Luke. How many had each bo
- Arithmetic average
The arithmetic mean of the five numbers is exactly 8. The sum of these four numbers is 30. What is the fifth number?
- Workhorses
A team of colleagues did the work in 20 days. After adding two colleagues from the beginning, the team completed the work in 15 days. How many members has the colleague team?
- Shoes
Peter decided to measure the shoe size of his three friends. Measured accurately and written as follows: Venda and Jenda together 52 cm Jenda and Zdenda together 58 cm Zdenda and Venda together 54 cm a) How long measure Vendy, Jenda, and Zdenda shoes toge
- Coins
One hundred coins, only 20-cent and 50-cent coins, were in the ticket machine. The total was 29 euros and 60 cents. How many were in the ticket machine coins, and which type?
- Equation
Solve the equation and check the result: 1.4x - 3/2 + x - 9,8 = x + 0,4/3 - 7 + 1,6/6
- Garden pond
The concrete garden pond has the bottom shape of a semicircle with a diameter of 1.8 m and is 72 cm deep. Daddy wants to make it surface. How many liters of water are in the pond if the water level is 33 cm?
- Coins
On coins found, it was stated that from the year 87 BC. Is it right?
- Tank and water
We poured water into a cylindrical tank with 3.5 liters. If the tank's base diameter is 3 dm, how high is the water level?
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