Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 278 of 300
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 5999
- Garden pool
Mr. Novak fills the garden pool (cylinder; diameter of 200 cm) with 31.4 hl of water. What is the depth of the pool when the water level is 10 cm below the upper edge of the pool?
- Clock Tower
What angle is between the hands-on Clock Tower when it shows 17 hours and 35 minutes?
- Equation
- Greenhouse
The Garden plastic greenhouse is shaped like a half-cylinder with a diameter of 6 m and a base length of 20 m. At least how many m² of plastic is needed for its cover?
- Water
The lawn has an area 1571 m², rained 5 mm of water. How many liters of water rained?
- Medians in triangle
The median of the isosceles triangle is 3 cm long. If its perimeter is 16 cm, determine the size of its sides.
- Painters
One painter could paint a school for seven days. The second one does it for six days. It was necessary to paint the school in two days. The next painter was invited, and all worked together. How long would this painter paint the school itself?
- Lunch
Jane eats the whole lunch for 30 minutes. Which part of the lunch does he eat in 180 seconds?
- Measures 1576
Katy, whose step measures 50 cm, counted 294 steps from her house to her aunt's. If his step measures 70 cm, how many steps will Katy's father take to his aunt?
- Luminosity 1575
Ten lamps with a certain luminosity are needed to illuminate the rooms. How many lamps with 2.5 times more brightness are needed for the same lighting in the same room?
- Coal
The daily consumption of 1.6 tons of coal is sufficient to supply the boiler for 42 days. How long is sufficient to supply when it burns only 1.2 tons of coal a day?
- Florist's
The flower shop has 72 white and 90 red roses. How many identical bouquets can they most tie together so that all the roses are used?
- Tailor master
There are less than 50m of textile in the tailoring workshop. No textile is left when cutting on a blouse (consumption 1.5m). No textile is left when using a cloth (consumption of 3.2m). How many meters of textiles are in a tailor's workshop?
- Summerjobs
The agency gives summer jobs to 2352 students in 2018. The one-eighth was high-school students. The rest were undergraduates. How many undergraduates work via an agency in 2018?
- Seven tractors
Seven tractors plowed 308 ha field in four days. How many hectares of fields will plow nine tractors in 3 days at the same power?
- Painting
Joseph and Fero painted the bench for four hours. If four friends helped him, how many hours would it take him to work?
- Rabbits
Michael is breeding rabbits. His seven rabbits will eat 98 feed rations for seven days. How many should five rabbits eat equal portions of feed in 6 days?
- Painters
Fifteen painters painted the fence for 280 minutes. For how many minutes, paint half of this fence with 12 painters?
- Mukls
The six workers' working group would order jobs completed within 21 working days. How many workers must be added to complete a contract in 14 working days?
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