The perimeter of rhombus problems - last page
Number of problems found: 52
- Circumference 21603
The circumference of the diamond is 29.6dm. a - calculate the length of its side b - calculate the area of the diamond if its height measures 5 dm
- Circumference 4285
Calculate the circumference of a rhombus, one side of which is 6 cm long, and the height of this side is 2 cm long. The height on the other side is 4 cm long.
- Diamond-shaped 69324
How many meters is more mesh needed to fence a plot of parallels with dimensions of 50m and 40m than to fence a plot of diamond-shaped land, the side of which is 40m long?
- Circumference 19603
The rhombus has the dimensions a = 9.1 cm; b = 8 cm; height to side a: va = 7.3 cm. Calculate the circumference, area, and size of the second height.
- The perimeter
The perimeter of a rhombus whose diagonal lengths are in the ratio 3:4 is 40 cm. What is its area in cm²?
- The rope
A 68-centimeter-long rope is used to make a rhombus on the ground. The distance between a pair of opposite side corners is 16 centimeters. What is the distance between the other two corners?
- Diagonals of rhombus
Find the length of the diagonal AC of the rhombus ABCD if its perimeter P = 112 dm and the second diagonal BD has a length of 36 dm.
- Circumference 4956
Calculate the circumference of a diamond whose area is 288cm square and one diagonal is 12.4cm.
- Diagonals 82850
How do I find the diagonals of a rhombus if its perimeter is 80dm and one diagonal is 2x larger than the other?
- Diamond ABCD
In the diamond ABCD, the diagonal e = 24 cm, and the size of angle SAB is 28 degrees, where S is the intersection of the diagonals. Calculate the circumference of the diamond.
- Two patches
Peter taped the wound with two rectangular patches (one over the other to form the letter X). The area sealed with both patches simultaneously had an area of 40cm² and a circumference of 30cm. One of the patches was 8cm wide. What was the width of the sec
- Quadrilateral prism
Calculate the surface of a quadrilateral prism according to the input: Area of the diamond base S1 = 2.8 m2, length of the base edge a = 14 dm, the prism height 1,500 mm.
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