The diagonal of rhombus problems
Number of problems found: 99
- The area 5
The area of a rhombus is 144 sq cm. If one of the diagonals is double the other, find the length of the diagonals.
- Rhombus 36
Rhombus ABCD with side 8 cm long has diagonal BD 11.3 cm long. Find angle DAB.
- Diagonal
Can it be a diagonal diamond twice longer than its side?
- Diagonal
Can a rhombus have the same length, diagonal, and side?
- Trapezoid
Are diagonals in a rectangular trapezoid perpendicular and bisect the angles?
- The diagonal 4
The diagonal of a rhombus measures 16 cm and 30 cm. Find its perimeter.
- Rhombus 29
One of the diagonals of a rhombus is equal to a side of the rhombus. Find the angles of the rhombus.
- Diamond
Calculate the length of the two diagonals of the diamond if: a = 13 cm v = 12 cm
- A rhombus 2
A rhombus has sides of 170 meters and a diagonal of 300 meters. What is the area of the rhombus?
- Diamond side
The diagonals of the diamond are 18 cm and 14 cm long. Calculate the length of the diamond side.
- Rhombus diagonal
The area of a rhombus is 790. One diagonal measures 45. Find the length of the second diagonal.
- The diagonals
The diagonals in the diamond ABCD are 6 cm and 8 cm long. What is the perimeter of this diamond?
- Diagonals of a rhombus
One of the diagonals of a rhombus is twice the other. If the sum of the lengths of the diagonals is 24, find the area of the rhombus.
- Rhombus
The rhombus with area 95 has one diagonal that is longer by 7 than the second one. Calculate the length of the diagonals and rhombus sides.
- Rhombus
Find the length of the other diagonal and the area of the rhombus. The perimeter of a rhombus is 56 cm, and one of the diagonals is of length 14 cm.
- Rhombus
Calculate the perimeter and area of a rhombus whose diagonals are 39 cm and 51 cm long.
- Rhombus
Calculate the length of the diagonal AC of the rhombus ABCD if its perimeter is 84 dm and the other diagonal BD has length 20 dm.
- Diagonals of diamond
Find the area and circumference of the diamond ABCD with 15m and 11m diagonals.
- Two diagonals
The rhombus has a side length of 12 cm and a length of one diagonal of 21 cm. What is the length of the second diagonal?
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