The perimeter of rhombus problems - page 2 of 3
Number of problems found: 52
- Diagonals of diamond
Find the area and circumference of the diamond ABCD with 15m and 11m diagonals.
- Parallelogram 43601
Calculate the area and perimeter of a parallelogram if a = 5.2cm Va = 4cm (it is a parallelogram, not a triangle)
- Rhombus ABCD
Rhombus ABCD, |AC| = 63 cm, |BD| = 50 cm. Calculate the perimeter of the rhombus ABCD.
- Circumference 4712
If you enlarge the side of the diamond by 4 cm, its circumference will be 20 cm. How long was the side of the original diamond?
- Diamond PQOR
In the diamond PQOR, the diagonal RQ is 4 cm long, and the angle RPQ is 60°. What is the circumference of this diamond?
- Rhombus A2p
The rhombus area is 13 cm², and its height is 5cm long. Find the perimeter of this rhombus.
- Circumference 8771
Calculate a diamond's area with a circumference of 51.2 cm and a height of 9.6 cm.
- Diamond and diagonals
A diamond has diagonals f = 8 cm and g = 6 cm long. How long is this diamond perimeter? (Calculate it!)
- Calculate 83480
Calculate the length of a side of a rhombus if you know that the perimeter of the rhombus is 19.88 mm and one side is 4.34 mm long.
- Perimeter 45121
The diamond has an area of 36.9 cm² and a side length of 9 cm. a) How many cm does the height of the diamond measure? b) Calculate the perimeter of the diamond.
- Angles
Find the interior angles of a rhombus with area 319.1 cm² and perimeter 72 cm.
- Circumference 67334
What is the area and circumference of a diamond whose diagonals are 7 dm, 12dm in length, and 6 dm in height?
- Equilateral 6306
We composed the diamond of four equilateral triangles with a side length of 7 cm. What's his circuit?
- One of
One of the internal angles of the rhombus is 120°, and the shorter diagonal is 3.4 meters long. Find the perimeter of the rhombus.
- Quadrilateral eq3
Three sides of a quadrilateral are equal to the foreside, which is 16 cm long. What is the length of the one with equal sides if the perimeter is 58 cm?
- The diagonals
The diagonals of the KOSA diamond are 20 cm and 48 cm long. Calculate the circumference of the diamond in centimeters rounded to one unit.
- Parallelogram-shaped 78784
The old woman crocheted 1 meter of lace. Will it be enough to edge a parallelogram-shaped table with dimensions 35 cm and 16 cm?
- Circumference 63814
The KLMN diamond has a circumference of 32 cm, and the intersection of its diagonals is 3 cm away from the LM side. What is the area of the diamond?
- Perimeter 7882
The diagonals of the diamond are 2.4 dm and 1.8 dm long. What is the perimeter of this diamond?
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