The perimeter of rhombus problems
Number of problems found: 52
- Rhombus
Find the length of each rhombus side if the perimeter is 78 cm long.
- Circumference - diamond
Calculate the area of a diamond that is 3.5 cm high and 16 cm in circumference.
- The diagonal 4
The diagonal of a rhombus measures 16 cm and 30 cm. Find its perimeter.
- Diamond - simple
Calculate the circumference and area of the diamond if the side is 5 cm long and the height is 3 cm long.
- Diamond
The diamond has a circumference of 48cm. Calculate the length of its side in dm.
- Rhombus 4
The circumference of the rhombus is 44 cm, and its height is 89 mm long. Calculate its area.
- Rhombus
If we increase the rhombus side by 2.4 cm, its perimeter is 20 cm. How long was the side of the rhombus?
- Circumference 61654
The diamond has an area of 21.6 cm square. Its height is 4 cm. What is the circumference of the diamond?
- Perimeter of the park
Find the park's perimeter in meters in a diamond shape if the length of its side is 2 km.
- Rhombus problem
The perimeter of the rhombus is 268 m, and its area is 2278 m². Calculate the height of the rhombus.
- Rhombus HP
Calculate the area of the rhombus with height 75 cm and perimeter 16 cm.
- The diagonals
The diagonals in the diamond ABCD are 6 cm and 8 cm long. What is the perimeter of this diamond?
- Rhombus
Find the length of the other diagonal and the area of the rhombus. The perimeter of a rhombus is 56 cm, and one of the diagonals is of length 14 cm.
- Rhombus
Calculate the perimeter and area of a rhombus whose diagonals are 39 cm and 51 cm long.
- Circumference 8256
Find the height of a diamond with a circumference of 34m and an area of 51m²
- Perimeter of rhombus
The area of the rhombus is 32 cm². One side measures 10 cm. The height on the other side measures 5 cm. What is the circumference of this rhombus?
- Rhombus sides
If you decrease the side of the rhombus by 30 mm, its circumference will be 70.8 mm. How long was the side of the original rhombus?
- Rhombus
Calculate the length of the diagonal AC of the rhombus ABCD if its perimeter is 84 dm and the other diagonal BD has length 20 dm.
- Circumference 20703
How do I change the length of a diamond's side if I want its circumference to double?
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