
After death, the father (♱ 54) remained the mother (his wife) and 5 children. Inheritance by law is that the first mother will automatically get half of the property and the other half inherited by heirs, the mother and her 5 children by the same share.

Calculate the resulting share of property that falls to the mother and one child and express it as a percentage.

Correct answer:

M =  58.3 %
D =  8.3 %

Step-by-step explanation:

d=21 5+11=1210.0833  m=21+d=21+121=126+121=126+1=1270.5833  M=100 m=100 127=12100 7=12700=3175%=58.3%
D=100 d=100 121=12100 1=12100=325%=8.3%

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Math student
X dies leaving behind a son, 2 daughters and a daughter’s daughter. Distribute the asset left behind by X among the legal heirs following the Shari’a law and the statutory law.

4 years ago  3 Likes

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