Determine 82724

A right triangle has an area of 36 cm2. A square is placed in it so that two sides of the square are parts of two sides of a triangle, and one vertex of the square is in a third of the longest side.
Determine the area of this square.

Correct answer:

S2 =  9.6214 cm2

Step-by-step explanation:

S1=36 cm2  S1 = 2ab  ab = 2 S1 = 72  cm2 b = 72/a  c2=a2+b2 (c/3)2 = (ax)2 + x2  c2=a2+(72/a)2 (c/3)2 = (ax)2 + x2  c2=a2+(72/a)2 (c/3)2 = (ax)2 + x2  a=6.203686.2037 cm c=13.16 cm x=3.101843.1018 cm  b=72/a=72/6.203711.606 cm S2=x2=3.101829.6214 cm2   Verifying Solution:  c2=a2+b2=6.20372+11.606213.16 cm S3=2a b=26.2037 11.606=36 cm2

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Math student
Given: (ab)/2 = 36; ab = 72
Let: c = sqrt(aˆ2 + bˆ2)

(b-x)/(c/3) = x/((2c)/3)); b = (3x)/2
(a-x)/((2c)/3)) = a/c; a = 3x

ab = (3x)((3x)/2) = 72

Therefore, xˆ2 = 16.

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