The base 2

The base diameter of a right cone is 16cm, and its slant height is 12cm.
A. ) Find the perpendicular height of the cone to 1 decimal place.
B. ) Find the volume of the cone, and convert it to 3 significant figures. Take pi =3.14

Correct answer:

h =  8.9 cm
V =  599.45 cm3

Step-by-step explanation:

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Showing 1 comment:
In B you used pi to more significant digits than just three. If I used 3.14 I get a different answer. Also with the other figueres used. The question needs to be more specific about what figures to use in the calculation? Thanks for a good practice though!

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Need help calculating sum, simplifying, or multiplying fractions? Try our fraction calculator.
Tip: Our volume units converter will help you convert volume units.
See also our right triangle calculator.

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