Big number

Dagmar typed numbers on the computer (without spaces) 45678910111213141516... Which number did she write in the third place?
The digits of this large natural number are assigned natural numbers from four 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 etc. - without dashes.

Correct answer:

x =  7

Step-by-step explanation:

1: 4567891011
11: 1213141516
21: 1718192021
31: 2223242526
41: 2728293031
51: 3233343536
61: 3738394041
71: 4243444546
81: 4748495051
91: 5253545556
101: 5758596061
111: 6263646566
121: 6768697071
131: 7273747576
141: 7778798081
151: 8283848586
161: 8788899091
171: 9293949596
181: 9798991001
191: 0110210310
201: 4105106107
211: 1081091101
221: 1111211311
231: 4115116117
241: 1181191201
251: 2112212312
261: 4125126127
271: 1281291301
281: 3113213313
291: 4135136137
301: 1381391401
311: 4114214314
321: 4145146147
331: 1481491501
341: 5115215315
351: 4155156157
361: 1581591601
371: 6116216316
381: 4165166167
391: 1681691701
401: 7117217317
411: 4175176177
421: 17817

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