Ultra expensive ramps

The village Čakajovce have two-level railway crossings (the ramps), the railway company ZSR decided to replace it. The price for upgrading the two crossings is 302065 Euros. Calculate how we can obtain many houses for 77000 euros at this price. Calculate how many crossings can be reconstructed using cheaper and more modern crossing types for 13000 euros. How many months investment return (302065 euros) when saving one railwayman job in 3-shift operation, 3100 Eur per month and the cost of running the new crossings are 110 euros per month. The investment returned to a more modern and cheaper crossing at 13000 euros for many months.

Correct answer:

How many homes for 77000 Eur can be bought at the cost of Čakajovce rail crossing:  3
How many cheaper crossings for 13000 Euros will be built:  23
How many months return investment:  102
How many months, the investment return to cheaper railcrossing:  5

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