Temperature - practice problems - page 8 of 15
Number of problems found: 295
- Linear temp change
The temperature in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, increased at the same rate from -22°C at 9:00 AM to -8°C at 4:00 PM one day. What was the temperature at 2:00 PM?
- The morning
The temperature rose 9 degrees from 10:00 AM to noon. By 3:00 PM, the temperature had doubled. From 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the temperature rose 4 degrees to 96 degrees. What was the temperature at 10:00 AM that morning?
- Temperture drops
In Alaska, the temperature drops a total of -18 degrees over three days. If the temperature drops at a constant rate, what is the change in temperature per day?
- Please 3
Please help; I'm lost! I'm calculating the difference between two Fahrenheit degrees 55°F - 37°F = 18 °F Now, if I convert the degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius before subtracting, we get 12.78°C —2.78 =10°C. How is that possible when 18°F does not equal 10°C
- The temperature 20
The temperature is rising 4 degrees each hour and is currently 62 degrees. How many hours before the temperature is at least 80 degrees?
- Resistance 58091
Does the copper conductor have a resistance of 2.8Ω at 36 °C? What will be the resistance value after cooling to -22 °C?
- The temperature 19
The temperature during the day in a cold country is 9 degrees Celsius. At night the temperature falls by 13 degrees Celsius. What is the temperature at night?
- The temperature 18
The temperature at 12:00 PM was 43°F. Over the day, the temperature decreased by 3.5°F per hour. What was the new temperature at 6:00 PM?
- The temperature 17
The temperature was -5 Celsius at 6 AM. It increased by a speed of three degrees every hour for six hours. The temperature then increased 1 1/2° every hour for five hours. What was the temperature at 5 PM?
- When Joe
When Joe went to work at 6 AM, the outside temperature was 3 degrees Celsius. The weather worsened during the day, and by 3 PM, the temperature had dropped 5 degrees. What was the temperature at 5 PM?
- An experiment 2
The temperature of a substance in an experiment changes by -8.7°F from 10 AM to 1 PM. At 5 PM, the temperature is 33.5°F, which is 2/3 of what it was at 1 PM. What was the temperature of the substance at 10 AM?
- Change per hour
On Sunday, the temperature was 63 degrees at 2 PM. The temperature was then 72 degrees at 5 PM. What is the rate of change per hour?
- Temperatures
Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius are related by the rule F = 1.8C + 32. What is the temperature in degrees Celsius if it is 50°F?
- The temperature 16
The temperature at 6 AM was 21 degrees Fahrenheit. By noon, it had dropped to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. What was the temperature at noon?
- The temp range
What is the range in temperatures if the high temperature is 67 degrees Celsius and the low temperature is -25 degrees Celsius?
- Ice to boiling water
Calculate the heat needed to convert 5kg of ice at a temperature of -5°C to water with a temperature of 100°C. c (water) = 4200 J/°C/kg, c (ice) = 2100 J/°C/kg. The mass group heat of solidification of water is l = 334 kJ/kg. Calculate the heat that 1k g
- The temperature 14
The temperature is 12°C lower than 4 hours ago. a. What is the average temperature change per hour? b. Write an integer equation for the situation.
- The level
The temperature of the liquid in a thermometer is 24.32°C lower than the boiling point of water. What is the thermometer reading? Show your answer by drawing and shading the thermometer.
- Temperature up and dowm
The temperature is 19.4°C at 6 AM. Between 6 AM and noon, it rises by 3.8°C. Between noon and 6 PM, it falls 2.5°C. What is the temperature at 6 PM?
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