Temperature - math word problems - last page
Number of problems found: 295
- Daily temperature
The average daily temperature measurement for one week every day at the same hour was -2.8 °C. We measured all temperatures on different days are different. The highest daily maximum temperature was 2.4 °C, and the lowest was -6 °C. Determine the options
- Milk mixing
You have 12 liters of milk with a temperature of 20°C. How much milk at 80°C do you have to add to have milk at 30°C?
- Liters 3107
Find how many liters of water at 80 °C and 20 °C need to mix to get 30 liters at 60 °C.
- Temperature 3104
The tank has water with a volume of 300 liters and a temperature of 10 °C. Add water at a temperature of 90 °C until a temperature of 30 °C is reached. How many liters of warmer water do I need to add?
- Water temperatures
To 25 liters of water at 50 °C, we add 15 liters of water at a different temperature. How many °C should the water be colder than 50 °C so that 40 liters of the water obtained has a temperature of 42.5 °C?
- Freezer
The temperature is -8 degrees Celsius in the freezer. The outside temperature is 2 degrees Celsius. If we open the door, it takes one minute to change the temperature by one degree Celsius. How many minutes the temperature in the freezer will rise?
- Electrics - conductor
The wire is 107 meters long at 0 °C, and at every temperature increase of 1 °C, the length increases by 0.15 mm per 1 m length of wire. Determine a function that represents the wire's overall length as a temperature function. What is the length of the wir
- Thermometer
The thermometer showed -4°C in the morning. Then, the temperature increased by 5°C, again increased by 5°C, decreased by 1°C, and then decreased by 4°C. Which terminal temperature thermometer shows?
- Mine
In the mine, at depth 18 m is 12°C, and every 50 m, the temperature increases by 1°C. What is the temperature at a depth of 1615 m?
- Water
Mix 58 l of water with a temperature of 81 °C, 10 l warm of 54 °C, and 41 l water of 67 °C. What is the temperature of the mixed water immediately after mixing?
- Bath
There are 30 liters of hot water in the bath. Then we added 36 liters of cold water at a temperature of 19 °C and decreased the temperature of the water to 41 °C. What was the initial temperature of the hot water?
- Trains for people
It is said that the train is synonymous to delay. Calculate the average travel speed by train long 85 km, with a regular train leaving at 7:00 and arriving at 8:18, but the train is late and has a departure at 8:10 and arrives at 9:27.
- Daily average
Calculate the average temperature during the day, when 14 hours were 24 °C and 10 hours was 14 °C.
- Extreme temperatures
The USA hit an extreme heat wave. Calculate the percentage of the air temperature change from normal summer temperature $t2 °C to $t1 °C.
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