Temperature - math word problems - page 10 of 15
Number of problems found: 295
- Weather
Weather. At 5:00 am, the temperature was 28°C, and at noontime, it rose by 9°C. By 4:00 PM, it dropped 3°C; by nighttime, it was 4°C less. What is the room temperature this time?
- The bath
Dad poured 50 liters of water at 60°C into the tub. How much cold water must he add at 10°C to obtain a bath that has a temperature of 40°C?
- Temperature 37001
The mother prepared half a liter of cold water for the children to drink. It mixed water at 20 ° C with 400 ml of cold water at 5 ° C. What was the temperature of the prepared drink?
- Temperature 36991
Honza filled 2 liters of hot water at a temperature of 90 °C from a heater into a five-liter container. What temperature must the water that the container fills have a mixture temperature of 42 °C?
- Compressed gas
The pressure vessel contains a compressed gas at a temperature t1 = 27°C and a pressure p1 = 4 MPa. How much does its pressure change when we release half the amount of gas, and its temperature drops to t2 = 15°C?
- Electric cooker
During which time does an electric cooker with power input P = 500 W and efficiency n = 75% heat water with mass m = 2 kg and temperature t1 = 10°C to the boiling point (t2 = 100°C)? The specific heat capacity of water is c = 4 180 J/kg/K.
- The temperature 10
The temperature in a freezer is -15°C, which increases by 3°C.
- Copper winding
Calculate the current flowing through the copper winding at an operating temperature of 70°C Celsius if the winding diameter is 1.128 mm and the coiled length is 40 m. The winding is connected to 8V.
- Temperature 34641
The aluminum line has a resistance of 7.6Ω at -10˚C. What will be its resistance at a temperature of + 50˚C?
- Cooler place
The temperature recorded in Simla is -4°C and in Kufri is -6°C on the same day. Which place is cooler on the day?
- The temperature 9
The temperature at 9 AM is 2 degrees. The temperature rises three more degrees by noon. Which expression describes the temperature at noon? Calculate the new temperature value.
- Temperature rise and fall
On Friday, the temperature was 82°F. The temperature changed by –2°F on Saturday, and then it changed by 5°F on Sunday. What was the temperature on Sunday? How did the temperature change? Note that we consider the mathematical problem formulated in this w
- Celsius 2
Five degrees Celsius at midday dropped 12°Celsius degrees by evening. What is the temperature?
- Relationship 30501
When converting degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F), the relationship is used: F = C . 9/5 + 32. How many degrees Celsius are they in New York City if the thermometer reads 23 degrees Fahrenheit?
- At noon
At noon today, it was 6°C outside, but it has increased to 4°C since then. What is the temperature outside now?
- Midnight 2
It was 8 degrees at nightfall. The temperature dropped 10 degrees by midnight. What was the temperature at midnight?
- Outdoor temperature
The outdoor temperature was 8 degrees at midnight. The temperature declined 5 degrees during each of the next 3 hours. What was the temperature at 3 AM?
- Celsius degrees
The temperature on Monday was 5 Celsius. The temperature on Thursday was 7 degrees less than the temperature on Monday. What was the temperature on Thursday?
- Receiving heat
How many degrees Celsius was an iron cylinder weighing 300 g heated in a water bath if it received heat of 7.2 kJ? (specific heat capacity of iron c = 0.46kJ/kg/ºC)
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