Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 295 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- Purchase
Three buyers paid € 468. The first paid 3-times more than the second, and the third half over the second. How many euros were paid to each of them?
- Triangle
Can an equilateral triangle have a right angle?
- Lines
Five bus lines run at intervals 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 minutes. In the morning, it suddenly starts at 4:00. After how many minutes do the bus lines meet again?
- Numbers
Determine the number of all positive integers less than 5286382 if each is divisible by 19, 5, 23. What is its sum?
- Compass
What angle is between directions SSE (SouthSouthEast) and SW (SouthWest) on the compass?
- Gear
Two gears fit into each other and have a transfer of 1:2. The centers of gears are spaced 96 cm. What are the radii of the gears?
- Subway
The Subway train went between two stations that gradually accelerated for 26 seconds and reached a speed of 72 km/h. At this rate, it went 56 seconds. Then 16 seconds slowed to a stop. What was the distance between the stations?
- Rail turn
The curve radius on the railway line is 532 m. The length of the rail track on it is 818 m. How many degrees is the angle ASB if A and B are boundary points and S is the center of the arc curve?
Calculate fixed annual personnel costs of operating monorail line 115 km long if every 7 km is a station that serves three people - one dispatcher and two switchmen in 4-shift operation. Consider the average salary of the employee 829 euro.
- Salary
Calculate the equivalent annual salary to an hourly wage of $ 15. Assume a 33-hour workweek.
- Chocolate
How many times do we have to break a chocolate bar composed of 10 × 12 pieces to get the 120 parts?
- Washer
The washing machine drum washes at 71 RPM. The washing machine motor pulley has a diameter of 8 cm. What must be the diameter of the drum machine pulley when the motor is at 351 RPM?
- Water
Into a full cylindrical tank high 3 m with a base radius of 2.5 m, we insert a cuboid with dimensions 1.7 m, 1.3 m, 1.9 m. How many liters of water will overflow out?
- Expression
If it is true that (l + 15 w)/(w) = 6, then the value of the expression (13 l)/(12 w) is:
- News
From 28 students buy magazines, 10 The economist students, 10 Pravda students, and 18 students don't buy any of these magazines. How many students buy both magazines?
- Disjoint
How many elements have union and intersection of two disjoint sets when the first has 1 and second 8 elements?
- Three numbers
Create from digits 1-9 three-digit numbers with their sum the smallest. What value is the sum of these numbers? (Use each digit only once)
- Tippler
Bottle with cork cost 8.8 Eur. The bottle is 0.8 euros more expensive than the cork. How much are a bottle and the cork?
- Compare
Compare fractions (34)/(3) and (12)/(4). Which fraction of the lower?
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