Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 296 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- Sea on the Moon
Assume that the Moon has a sea with the same composition as Earth's (it has the same saltwater density). Calculate the boat's dive floating in the sea on the Moon when on Earth, it has dived 3.9 m. Consider that the Moon has 6.5-times smaller gravitationa
- Equator
Suppose that a tourist went on foot over the Globe Equator. How many meters more track made his hat on his head as the shoes on your feet? The radius of the Earth is 6378 km, and the height of the tourist is 1.7 m.
- Book
The printer used 4201 digits to number the pages of the thick book. How many pages does this book have?
- Expansion
If one side of the rectangle is larger 2-times and the second 4-times, what percentage increases the area of the rectangle?
- Bureau of Labor
The Bureau of Labor is a state institution that provides Mike and the rest for its so-called clients. Its mission is to spend taxpayer money to provide relaxation and benefits to those who do not want to work. Popularly speaking, the Bureau of Labor's wor
- Potatoes
Potatoes contain 77% starch. How many potatoes need to obtain 61.2 kg of starch?
- Colors
Arnold got birthday 7 color pens in different colors. How many ways can he give them side by side in pencil?
- Map
Forest has an area of 36 ha. How much area is occupied by forest on the map at scale 1:500?
- Raffle
In the pool number from 1 to 115. What is the probability that a randomly selected number is not prime?
- Divisibility
Determine all divisors of number 90.
- Inflation
What is better for people (employees)? ...
- 4-gon
Is it true that a 4-gon whose two sides are parallel and the other two have equal length is a parallelogram?
- Strange x
For what x is true x=19x?
- Circumscription
Calculate the radius of the Circumscribed circle in the rectangle with sides 20 and 19. Can it be a rectangle inscribed by a circle?
- Cable
The cable consists of 8 strands, each strand consisting of 12 wires with a diameter of d = 0.5 mm. Calculate the cross-section of the cable.
- Money
Everyone complains about the lack of money. There is no shortage of money but a relative scarcity of goods and things people buy for the money. Calculate what percentage of the price of all goods and services immediately rose if everyone has the day-to-da
- Determine the number
Determine the number x that x+8 is (7)/(5) from one half of 7 x -1.
- Rates
When gas consumption, the consumer may choose one of two rates: rate A - which pays 0.4 € per 1 m³ of gas a flat monthly fee of 3.9 € (regardless of consumption) rate B - which pays 0.359 € per 1 m³ of gas a flat monthly fee of 12.5 € From what monthly co
- Diagonal
Can it be a diagonal diamond twice longer than its side?
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