Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 294 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- College
At the college are at 45 rooms, 158 students. Some rooms are triple and some quad. How many triple and quadruple rooms there is if it is all fully occupied?
- Ravens
The tale of the Seven Ravens was seven brothers, each of whom was born exactly 4 years after the previous one when the eldest of the brothers was 4-times older than the youngest, mother all curse. How old were seven Ravens brothers when their mother curse
- Class
When Pythagoras asked how many students attended the school, he said: "Half of the students studying mathematics, 1/4 music, seventh silent, and there are three girls at school." How many students had Pythagoras at school?
- Area 4gon
Calculate the area of 4-gon, two, and the two sides are equal and parallel with lengths 11, 5, 11, and 5. Inner angles are 45°, 135°,45°, 135°.
- Day
What part of the day is 23 hours 22 minutes? Express as a decimal number.
- Trains for people
It is said that the train is synonymous to delay. Calculate the average travel speed by train long 85 km, with a regular train leaving at 7:00 and arriving at 8:18, but the train is late and has a departure at 8:10 and arrives at 9:27.
- Christmas
Calculate how much of the school year (202 days long) take Christmas holidays 19 days long. Answer write as a decimal number and as a percentage.
- Four pupils
Four pupils divided euro 634 so that the second received 30% less than the first, the third 1/5 less than a fourth, and the fourth euro 95 less than the first. How much money had each of them?
- Motion
From two different locations, the distance 232 km started against the car and bus. The car started at 7:10 with an average speed of 74 km/h. The bus started at 8:40 with an average speed of 48 km/h. When did they meet? How many kilometers did the bus take
- Camp
In the camp are children. 1/2 went on a trip, 1/5 went to bathe, and 33 children remained in the room. How many children are in the camp?
- Arc
The circle arc corresponding to the angle is 32° is 28 dm long. What is the length of the entire circle?
- Intersections
How many intersections have circles with radius 16 mm and 15 mm if the distance of their centers is 16 mm?
- Radius
Determine the circle's radius if its perimeter and area are the same numbers.
- Trapezoid
Are diagonals in a rectangular trapezoid perpendicular and bisect the angles?
- Motion2
The cyclist started off town at 25 km/h. The car started after 1.9 hours behind him in the same direction. It caught up with him for 55 minutes. How fast and how long did the car run from the city to catch cyclists?
- Wire D
Wire length 1 m is bent to form a semicircle circuit (including the diameter). Determine the radius of the semicircle.
- One sixth
How many sixths are two-thirds?
- Discount
The product has been discounted twice by 14%. What is the total discount given?
- Cubes
Cube, which consists of 8 small cubes with edge 1 dm, has volume:
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