Motion problems - math word problems - page 22 of 47
Word motion problems can be divided into three basic groups:1. bodies come from one place.
2. the bodies go against each other.
3. bodies move in space, e.g., after the ballistic curve, falling, etc.
The basic formula is s = v * t, i.e., the path is equal to the speed multiplied by the movement time.
Number of problems found: 925
- Simultaneously 18813
2 ships sail simultaneously towards each other from places 2340m apart. I sail both ships at a constant speed. The first boat travels 56m per minute, and the second 74m per minute. Create an equation that corresponds to the assignment of the task if the u
- Speedometer 18693
The Macháček family went on a 3-day trip to Třeboň. They didn't want to get too tired but wanted to see a lot. Therefore, they drove at a walking pace, and at the end of the 3rd day, they measured 90 km on the speedometer. On the second day, they traveled
- The tourist
The tourist wanted to walk the route 16 km at a specific time. He, therefore, came out at the necessary constant speed. However, after a 4 km walk, he fell unplanned into the lake, where he almost drowned. It took him 20 minutes to get to the shore and re
- Approximately 18133
Mr. Kotek drove from Brno to Prague at 11 a.m. at a speed of 80 km/h. His friend drove from Prague to Brno half an hour later at a speed of 85 km/h. Which of them will be closer to Prague when they meet? The distance between the cities is approximately 21
- Departed 18123
The train left station A at 10 o'clock. At a speed of 55 km/h. One and a half hours later, opposite him, an express train departed from station B, 360 km from station A, at a speed of 130 km/h. At what time and how far from station A will both trains meet
- Motorcyclist 17921
The motorcyclist travels at a speed of 48 km/h. Will he drive at this speed in 400 minutes? Km
- Before 17911
Two trucks drove at the same time from two places 570km apart. The first will travel 61 km in an hour, and the second 81.5 km. How long before they meet?
- Roommates 17453
Classmates Tibor and Martin live in the same house. It takes Tibor 20 minutes to get to school, and Martin only 15 minutes. If Martin leaves the house 3 minutes later than Tibor, in how many minutes does he catch up with him?
- Motorcycle 17343
Karel left for the cottage at 7:00 and his parents 20 minutes later. Everyone came to the chat at the same time. Karel rode a motorcycle at a speed of 20 km/h, and his parents drove a car at 1 km per minute. How far is the cottage from where they live? Wh
- Smaller 17093
There are two gears in the wall clock. The larger wheel has 54 teeth, and the smaller one has 24 teeth. How many times does the small wheel turn if the big one turns four times?
Load. Car. ... .8.30 45km/h delivery. ... . ..9.00 75km/h At what time and distance did the van catch up with the truck? WORD PROBLEM ON MOVEMENT.
- Highway calculation
How many meters does a car travel on the highway at a speed of 130 km/h per second (use a simple proportion)?
- Passenger 16583
At 7:00 AM, a truck left town A at a speed of 40 km/h. Opposite him, a passenger car left town B at 8:30 AM at a speed of 70 km/h. The distance between cities A and B is 225 km. At what distance from city A will the two cars compete?
- Runners
If John has a running speed of 3.5 miles per hour and Lucy has a speed of 5 miles per hour. If John starts running at 10:00 AM and Lucy starts running at 10:30 AM, what time will they meet? (as soon as possible)
- Fast tourists
If three tourists pass the route in 5 hours, how long will the same route take six equally fast tourists?
- Seconds 15853
The body landed on Earth in 9 seconds. Find from what height it fell and what its speed was on impact.
- I drive
I drive 9 km in 30 minutes. What is the average speed of the motion?
- Pedestrian 15741
Cities A and B are 42 km apart. A pedestrian exits city A at a speed of 6 km/h in the opposite direction to city B. 30 minutes later, and a cyclist exits B following the pedestrian at a speed of 24 km/h. How many hours does the cyclist reach the pedestria
- Water current
John swims upstream. After a while, he passes the bottle, and from that moment, he floats for 20 minutes in the same direction. He then turns around and swims back, and from the first meeting with the bottle, he sails 2 kilometers before he reaches the bo
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