Inverse proportion - practice problems - page 7 of 20
Inverse relationship, also called Inverse proportion occurs when one value increases and the other decreases. For example, more workers on a job would reduce the time to complete the task. They are inversely proportional. Two sequences of numbers are inversely proportional if corresponding elements have a constant product, also called the coefficient of proportionality.Number of problems found: 384
- Approximately 22313
Four friends working at approximately the same pace took part in the summer brigade, harvesting apples. They peeled 68 boxes of apples in the morning. How many friends would they have to call for help if they robbed 187 crates in the same amount of time?
- Passengers 22303
The bus driver collected 17.5 euros for 25 adult bus tickets. How many euros will 36 adult passengers pay?
- Students 22293
Eight pupils modified the school plot in 2 hours. How many students do we have to send to modify the school grounds if we do not want to exceed the 1.5-hour limit?
- Company's 22283
Ten painters painted the company building in 20 days. In how many days would six painters paint the company's building?
- Plums
By drying 3 kg of fresh plums, we obtained 750 g of dried plums. How many kilograms of fresh plums need to be dried if we want 1.5 kg of dried plums?
- Cardholders 21563
Two cardholders will build a tower of cards in 0.5 hours. In how many hours will five such a tower be built?
- Working together
Two people will do the work in 12 days. They worked together for eight days. Then only one worked for ten days. How many days would each of them do the work if he worked alone?
- Hectares of forest
Twelve workers plant 24 ha of forest in 6 days. How many days will 15 people and 12 people plant in the same area?
- Powerful 20773
The 300 liters per minute water starts to flow into the empty pool. We will fill the pool in 5 hours. How long would it take to fill a pool with a more powerful 750L pump per minute?
- Earnings 20763
Two workers worked on a joint task: One worked 36 hours and the other 40 hours. Earnings of 11400 are divided by the ratio of hours worked. How much did everyone get?
- Staircase 20203
The staircase has 36 steps, each 20cm high. How many stairs will the same staircase have if the height of the stairs is 18cm?
- Supermarket 20053
When only three checkouts are open in a supermarket, people wait in line for an average of 10 minutes. How many minutes will the average waiting time in line be if two more checkouts open?
- Apples 20043
From 10 kg of fresh apples, we get 1.25 kg of dried. How many kg of fresh do we need per 10 kg of dried?
- Rectangular 19823
Three hundred eighty-four tiles are used to cover the roof of 48 m². How many identical tiles are used for a rectangular roof measuring 6m and 9.5m?
- Inspectors 19633
Five inspectors will catch an average of 70 black passengers in 6 days. How many black passengers are caught by nine inspectors in 10 days?
- Minutes 19183
A worker loads sand into a car in 5 hours. How many minutes will this carload a loader 120 times faster than a worker?
- A lot of hay
Martin's grandfather weighed a lot of hay and calculated that it would last 100 days for 15 rabbits. How many days will this lot be enough for 25 rabbits?
- Snack
The teacher paid CZK 450 for a snack for 30 pupils. How many CZK will we pay for the same snack for 28 pupils?
- Bricklayers 18773
According to the standard, we calculated that two masons would plaster the corridor of the new school building in 54 hours. How long would it take for nine bricklayers to plaster this corridor?
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