The diagonal of rhombus problems - last page
Number of problems found: 99
- Construct
Construct a rhombus ABCD with side a = 7cm, b = 5cm, whose diagonal e is perpendicular to side b.
- Construct rhombus
Construct rhombus ABCD if given diagonal length | AC | = 8cm, inscribed circle radius r = 1.5cm
- Rhombus
ABCD is a rhombus, ABD is an equilateral triangle, and AC is equal to 4. Find the area of the rhombus.
- Construct 10921
Construct the diamond ABCD so that its diagonal BD is 8 cm and the distance of apex B from the line AD is 5 cm. Specify all options
- Construct
Construct a rhombus ABCD if the size of the diagonal AC is 6 cm and the diagonal BD is 8 cm long.
- Construct 5333
Construct a rhombus ABCD if AB = 5 cm, BD = 6 cm and AC = 3 cm
- Diagonal of the diamond
The ABCD diamond shape is known as diagonal u2 and a height v. Do an analysis.
- Cardboard box
We want to make a cardboard box-shaped quadrangular prism with a rhombic base. The rhombus has a side of 5 cm and 8 cm, one diagonal long. The height of the box is 12 cm. The box will be open at the top. How many square centimeters do we need if we calcul
- Box
The cardboard is a box-shaped quadrangular prism with a rhombic base. Rhombus has a side 5 cm, one diagonal 8 cm long, and the box's height is 12 cm. The package will open at the top. How many cm² of cardboard do we need to cover overlap and joints that a
- Prism-shaped 6137
The prism-shaped vessel with a rhomboid base has one base diagonal of 10 cm and the edge of the base 14 cm. The edge of the base and the prism height are in a ratio of 2:5. How many liters of water is in the container when it is filled to four-fifths of t
- Rhombus base
Calculate the volume and surface area of prisms whose base is a rhombus with diagonals u1 = 12 cm and u2 = 15 cm. The prism height is twice the base edge length.
- Support colum
Calculate the support column's volume and surface. It is shaped as a vertical quadrangular prism whose base is a rhombus with diagonals u1 = 102 cm and u2 = 64 cm. The column height is 1. 5m.
- Calculate 23411
The prism with a diamond base has one base diagonal of 20 cm and a base edge of 26 cm. The edge of the base is 2:3 to the height of the prism. Calculate the volume of the prism.
- Diamond base
The prism with a diamond base has 24 cm and 20 cm long base diagonals. Calculate the height of a prism with a volume of 9.6 dm³ (cubic decimetres)
- Quadrilateral 8304
The base of the quadrilateral prism is a diamond with diagonals of 7 and 9 cm. The height of the prism is 22 cm. What is the area?
- Total area
Calculate the total area (surface and bases) of a prism whose base is a rhombus with 12cm and 18cm diagonals and whose prism height is 10 cm.
- Prism
Calculate the volume of the rhombic prism. The prism base is a rhombus whose one diagonal is 47 cm, and the edge of the base is 27 cm. The edge length and height of the base of the prism are 4:3.
- Calculate 2558
Calculate the size of the solid diagonals of a prism with a rhombus base if the sizes of the base diagonals are 16 cm and 20 cm and the height of the prism is 32 cm. Calculate the size of the base edge.
- Vertical prism
The base of the vertical prism is a rhombus with diagonals of 24 cm and 10 cm. Suppose the shell area is 52% of the total surface area of the prism. Calculate its surface.
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