The rice 2

60 kg of a certain variety of rice at Rs 32 per kg is mixed with 48 kg of another variety of rice, and the mixture is sold at the average price of Rs 28 per kg. If there is no profit or loss due to the new sale price, then find the price of the second variety of rice.

Correct answer:

p2 =  23 Rs/kg

Step-by-step explanation:

m1=60 kg m2=48 kg  p1=32 Rs/kg p=28 Rs/kg  m=m1+m2=60+48=108 kg  m1 p1+m2 p2 = m p  p2=m2m pm1 p1=48108 2860 32=23=23 Rs/kg   Verifying Solution:   P=m1+m2p1 m1+p2 m2=60+4832 60+23 48=28 Rs/kg

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