The Hotel

The Holiday Hotel has the same number of rooms on each floor. Rooms are numbered with natural numerals sequentially from the first floor; no number is omitted, and each room has a different number. Three tourists arrived at the hotel. The first one was in room number 50 on the fourth floor. The other room number is 100 on the seventh floor. Third is room number 126 on the ninth floor. How many rooms are on each floor?

Correct answer:

n =  15

Step-by-step explanation:

0  50  3n<n 0  100  6n<n 0  126  8n<n  50 < 4n  100 < 7n  126 < 9n 12.5 < n  14.28 < n  14 < n  n  16.666  n  16.666  n  15.75   7100 < n  463 n  N n=15

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