Cross section

The cross-section ABCD of a swimming pool is a trapezium. Its width is AB=14 meters, the depth at the shallow end is 1.5 meters, and at the deep end is 8 meters. Find the area of the cross-section.

Correct answer:

A =  66.5 m2

Step-by-step explanation:

a=14 m h1=1.5 m h2=8 m h=(h1+h2)/2=(1.5+8)/2=419=4.75 m A=a h=14 4.75=66.5 m2

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Showing 4 comments:
Math student
????that's  correct

a fiberglass pool that is 12.3 wide and 23.9 long and is 3'9-5'11 deep, would need how many panels?

7 years ago  1 Like
Math student
it is not my problem diagram is right and sum is wrong

Math student
Correct. Thank you

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