Calculate 3016

Calculate the height of the cylinder based on its surface S and the radius of the base r.
a) r = 2 cm, S = 120 cm square
b) r = 7 dm, S = 4,000 dm square
c) r = 0.2 m, S = 20 square meters

Correct answer:

a =  7.5493 cm
b =  83.9457 dm
c =  15.7155 m

Step-by-step explanation:

r1=2 S1=120 S = π r2 +2 π r h A=π r12=3.1416 2212.5664 a=(S12 A)/(2π r1)=(1202 12.5664)/(2 3.1416 2)=7.5493 cm
r2=7 S2=4000 B=π r22=3.1416 72153.938 b=(S22 B)/(2π r2)=(40002 153.938)/(2 3.1416 7)=83.9457 dm
r3=0.2 S3=20 C=π r32=3.1416 0.220.1257 c=(S32 C)/(2π r3)=(202 0.1257)/(2 3.1416 0.2)=15.7155 m

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