Time - math word problems - page 154 of 155
Time (latin tempus) is one of the fundamental physical quantities of SI. The base unit is 1 second. One second is defined as 9,192,631,770 transition oscillations in the Cs-133 atom (the atomic clock ticking). Time cannot be defined using other physical quantities - it is an essential - fundamental quantity. Derived units are minute, hour, day, week, year. For example, 1 minute is defined as 60 seconds. One hour is 3600 seconds. One day is 24 hours. Fractional seconds are 1 ms (millisecond), 1 μs (microsecond), and 1 ns (nanosecond). Frequency is the inverse of the duration of a phenomenon that repeats itself.Number of problems found: 3091
- Isosceles right triangle
Calculate the area of an isosceles right triangle whose perimeter is 810 cm.
- Holidays
Calculate how many hours holidays take if it takes 5 weeks.
- Bulbs
The probability that the bulb can operate 4000 hours is 0.3. What is the probability that exactly one of the eight bulbs can operate 4000 hours?
- Wind drift
The plane flies at 900 km/h, passing distance 1800 kilometers with the wind and once again against the wind for 4 h 1 min. What is the wind speed?
- The cyclist
The cyclist went from village to town. The first half of the journey went at 24 km/h. The second half of the journey, which mostly fell, went at 38 km/h. All journeys took 94 minutes. Calculate the distance from the village to the town.
- Railways - golden parachutes
This is an example more from political science, or even a fairy tale about carp who won't drain their pond. Let's look at the short work of the director of the Carp Railway Company: 18 months of quasi "work" as director reduction and elimination
- Tractors
Fields go plow two tractors with various performances. The first tractor plows the whole field in 20 hours. The second tractor plows the whole field 4 hours kratšie. How long does it take to plow the whole field with two tractors?
- Radioactivity
After 548 hours decreases, the activity of a radioactive substance to 1/9 of the initial value. What is the half-life of the substance?
- Collective irresponsibility
On the Internet, time is very uncomfortable for the state that no more gaffes or waste is no longer possible to hush up as if people were at home with only two television channels censored. An example of the effectiveness of the state can be Bridge at Kom
- Discounts on rail (ZSSK)
The railway company ZSSK offers a discount of 15% (REGIONAL) for 5 Eur/year. Calculate the real discount rate as a percentage, where passengers will travel 19 Eur per week.
- Chords
How many 4-tones chords (chord = at the same time sounding different tones) is possible to play within 7 tones?
- Solidarity
Imagine a word solidarity means that salt donation to the needy, who have neither the salt. If we take the word solidarity, it is a word based on salt + gift (only in the Slovakian language). Calculate how many kilos of salt a sympathetic citizen "gives"
- Inflation
Once upon a time, the tsar owned a money printer and printed and printed. Printing money prices went up in the first year 2.7 %, in the second 2.1%, in the third 3.6%, and in the fourth 5.4%. Then tsar failed in the election. Calculate the average annual
- Triangle ABC
Right triangle ABC with right angle at the C, |BC|=19, |AB|=26. Calculate the height of the triangle hAB to the side AB.
- Slovak broad track
Once upon a time, we learned in school that the Russians have "wider" tracks than ours because they have less tolerable ground. In truth, decide only the area of sleepers, no track gauge. Calculate how many millimeters our track is 1435 mm, different from
- Monkey
The monkey fell into 20 meters deep well. Every day it climbs 3 meters, at night it drops back by 2 m. On what day it gets out from the well?
- Clocks
How long will a path of the end of the clock's minute-hand long 23 cm for 340 minutes? How long will we walk at the same time hour-hand?
- Pension or fraud
Imagine your entire working life working honestly and paying taxes and Social Insurance (in Slovakia). You have a gross wage 970 Euros. You pay social insurance (you and your employer) monthly € 310 during 41 years, and your retirement is 446 Eur dur
- Triangle SAS
Calculate the triangle area and perimeter if the two sides are 105 dm and 68 dm long and angle them clamped is 50 °.
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