Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 289 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- Enrollment
The enrollment at a local college increased 8% from 9339 over last year. Find the increase in enrollment (x1) and the current enrollment (x2).
- Arm
Calculate the length of the arm r of isosceles triangle ABC, with base |AB| = 14 cm and a height v=18 cm.
- Diagonal
Calculate the diagonal length of the rectangle ABCD with sides a = 8 cm, b = 7 cm.
- Trapezium
Find the height of the trapezium ABCD, which has an area 87.5 cm² and base lengths 15 cm and 10 cm.
- Madams
During spring cleaning, ladies were going to wash the windows. Mother takes 5 hours to wash all the windows, the grandmother takes 3 times longer, and Paula washes all the windows in 2 hours. How many hours will you spend washing the windows of this "wome
- Car
The car goes from point A to point B at speed 84 km/h and back 67 km/h. If it goes there and back at speed 77 km/h trip would take 20 minutes shorter. What is the distance between points A and B?
- Medicament
Many manufacturers produce the same type of medicament in various packages with different active substance content. Pack 1: includes 60 pills of 600 mg of active substance per pack cost 31.5 Eur. Pack 2: includes 100 tablets of 1200 mg of active substance
- Train
A passenger train traveled for 2 hours 74 km. 3.1 hours after its departure started fast train and caught it on 186 km. How many km/h is different from its average speed?
- Quadrant II
Calculate the radius of the quadrant, which area is equal to the area of the circle with radius r = 15 cm.
- Coin and die
Flip a coin and then roll a six-sided die. How many possible combinations are there?
- Inheritance
After death, the father (♱ 54) remained the mother (his wife) and 5 children. Inheritance by law is that the first mother will automatically get half of the property and the other half inherited by heirs, the mother and her 5 children by the same share. C
- Tiles
How many 37 cm square tiles will cover a floor 11.84 m by 17.39 m?
- Count of roots
How many solutions have equation x * y = 7757 with two unknowns on the set of natural numbers?
- Efficiency
A certain device consumes 28 kW and delivers 14 kW. Find its efficiency.
- Base
Compute the base of an isosceles triangle, with the arm a=20 cm and a height above the base h=10 cm.
- Homework - jumps
Sasha jumped 131 cm Peter 4 cm more than Jirka. Jirka 6 cm less than Misha. Misha 7 cm less than Filip, and Filip is half as much as Sasha and Petr together. How far does each jump?
- Road embankment
Road embankment has a cross-section shape of an isosceles trapezoid with bases 5 m and 7 m and 2 m long leg. How many cubic meters of soil is in an embankment length of 1474 meters?
- IS trapezoid
Isosceles trapezoid arm measured 35 cm. Height is 30 cm, and the middle segment is 65 cm. Find the length of its bases.
- Bridge
The bridge arc has a span of 159 m and a height of 14 m. Calculate the radius of the circle arc of this bridge.
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