Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 288 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- Garden
The rectangular garden is 72 m long and 25 m wide. Calculate by how much m² its area will be reduced if it is surrounded by an ornamental fence 50 cm wide.
- Driving school
Driving final exam involving 10 attendants. The exam consists of three parts. 2 fails the test (quiz), and 6 students fail on car skills test on the playground (slalom between the cone). The practical part of the test - driving in town in real traffic - a
- Eggs
Mother bought from neighbors 39 domestic eggs. Her neighbor got back €4.54 from €10. How many euros get back from 20 banknote if she buys 94 eggs from a neighbor?
- Waiting room
In the waiting room are people and flies. Together, they have 21 heads and 102 legs (fly has six legs). How many people and flies are in the waiting room?
- Certificate
There are 31 students in a class. The mathematics score wasn't worse than 2. The average score in mathematics was 2. How many students have a score of one, and how many have a score of 2?
- Unions
Calculate how much money per year would go to the treasury of unions if 976 thousand employees join unions with an average net salary of 587 euros and if union membership costs 1% of the net monthly salary.
- Cyclists
The cyclist who rides at an average speed 20 km/h travels a trip distance 13 min before the cyclist who rides at an average speed 15 km/h. What is the length of this cyclist trip(distance in km)?
- Division
Divide by the number 0.2 is the same as multiplying by what number?
- Lorry
The lorry was loaded with 30 boxes of 24 kg. How many boxes with weight 48 kg can be loaded if the total load must be the same?
- Chocholate
The table of chocolate is divided into squares on its surface. Lengthwise has 15 squares and widthwise 19 squares. We must chocolate broke into individual squares. How many times have we broken it to get only individual squares? It is not permitted to bre
- XY triangle
Determine the area of a triangle given by line 2x-4y+47=0 and coordinate axes x and y.
- Sawdust
How many cubic centimeters of wood sawdust are created by cutting the tree trunk with a diameter of 66 cm and when the gap width is 5 mm?
- Tanks
The fire tank is cuboid in shape, with a rectangular floor measuring 13.3 m × 14.7 m. The water depth is 1.9 m. Water was pumped from the tank into barrels with a capacity of 5 hl. How many barrels would have been used if the water level in the tank
- Canopy
Mr Peter has a metal roof cone shape with a height of 127 cm and radius 130 cm over well. He needs to paint the roof with anticorrosion. If the manufacturer specifies the consumption of 1 kg to 3.3 m2, how many kg of color must he buy?
- Salary
Since the beginning of the year, Mr. Johnson has earned a monthly salary of 955 USD. From which month was his salary increased by 52 USD, and when in the year did he earn 11824 USD (enter as a number from 1 to 12)?
- Parallelogram - side
Calculate the length of the side of a parallelogram whose area is 161 dm² and height to that side is 23.6 dm long.
- Parallelogram
Calculate the area and perimeter of a parallelogram whose two sides are long a=18 cm b=14 cm and height ha = 2 cm long.
- Rising price
The book first becomes more expensive by 5 euros. The new price was later increased by 28% after the second price increase book cost 30 euros. What was the original price of the book?
- Addends
The number 681 is divided into two addends. The first was 9 greater than 60% of the second. Determine these addends.
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