Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 275 of 302
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6038
- BMI index
Calculate BMI (body mass index, an index indicating obesity, overweight, normal weight, underweight) man weighing m = 102 kg and height h = 159 cm. The index is calculated according to the equation (formula): BMI = (m)/(h²) With the BMI index, it is possi
- Apartments
The apartment on the first floor was 10% more expensive than the same apartment on the second floor. The difference was 105 Kc annually. Calculate the apartment's annual rent on the first floor and from the apartment on the second floor.
- Swimming pool 4
The pool-shaped cuboid measuring 12.5 m × 640 cm at the bottom is 960hl water. To what height in meters reaches the water level?
- Apples 2
James has 13 apples. He has 30 percent more apples than Sam. How many apples have Sam?
- Five-digit
Find all five-digit numbers that can be created from number 12345 so that the numbers are not repeated and then numbers with repeated digits. Give the calculation.
- Road - permille
A 5 km long road begins at an altitude 500 meters above sea level and ends at an altitude of 521 ASL. How many permille road rises?
- Water level
The glass container has a cuboid shape, with dimensions at the bottom of 24 cm and 12 cm. The height of the water is 22 cm. Calculate the body's volume sunk into the water if the water level rises by 3 cm.
- Mr. Vojta
Mr. Vojta put in the bank 35000 Kč. After a year at the bank, he was credited with an interest rate of 2% of the deposit amount. How, then, will Mr. Vojta be in the bank?
- Grandmother and grandfather
Grandmother baked cakes. Grandfather ate half, then a quarter of the rest ate Peter, and Paul ate half of the rest. There were six cakes left for parents. How many cakes were made by the grandmother?
- Parcel
The parcel is rectangular, a trapezoid with bases of 12 m and 10 m and a height of 8 m. On the parcel was a built object with a footprint of an isosceles triangle, with a side of 4 m and a height of three-quarters of a meter. What is the area of the unbui
- Land cost
The land is worth 33295 CZK. 1st owner has 5/15, 2nd owner has 4/15, 3rd owner has 1/5 4th owner has 1/5. How much CZK each of them will receive?
- Rope
Peter has a long rope of 2 4/5 meters. Martin has a rope 20 cm longer. What length of ropes is achieved if the boys link ropes?
- Distance runner
Distance runners have already climbed three-fifths of the total route. Thus passed 90 km. How many km does he have to stop? How long is his route?
- Farm2
The farm bred turkeys, geese, hens, and chickens. Everything is 400. Turkeys and geese a hen are 150. No hen has more than one chicken, but some hens have no chick. Half of them are also a quarter of the chickens. When the turkey was subtracted by 15, we
- Trapezoid v3
The isosceles trapezoid has an angle at the first base 40 degrees less than the angle at the second base. How large angles has this trapezoid?
- Acreage
The plot has a diamond shape, its side is 25.6 m long, and the distance between the opposite sides is 22.2 meters. Calculate its acreage.
- Cookies
Mom bake cookies. Rolo took 2/9 of all cookies, and Michal 3/9. How many cookies ate Rolo if Michal had 9?
- Families
In the class, we investigated how many children have families in which they live. How many % of pupils live in families with more than two children? Five families have one child, nine families have two children, five families have three children, two fami
- Iron fence
One field of iron fence consists of 20 iron rods with a square cross-section of 1.5 cm side and a long 1 meter. How much weight does a field have if the density of iron is 7800 kg/m³?
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