Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 271 of 304
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6065
- Apples 2
On the first day fell one-third, on the second quarter of the rest and on the tree remained 45 apples? How many apples were originally on the tree?
- Troops
If the general sorts troops into the crowd by nine, left 6. How many soldiers have the regiment if we know they are less than 300?
- Trams
Tram no. 3,7,10,11 rode together from the depot at 5 AM. Tram No. 3 returns after 2 hours, tram No. 7 an hour and a half, no. 10 in 45 minutes, and no. 11 in 30 minutes. For how many minutes and when do these trams meet again?
- Soda
A pack of 12 sodas costs 5.04. What is the unit rate in dollars per soda?
- Aquarium 6
How high is the water level in the aquarium with a rectangular base of 40cm and 50cm if it is filled with 0,65hl of water?
- Cash back
After a trip, 24 students left more than 650 but less than 690 CZK (Kc). How much does each student receive in return when the amount is divisible by the number of pupils?
- Pool 3
When it flows 15 liters/s, how long will the filled pool be in cuboid shape (8m 6m 1.5m)?
- Buildings
The school stands 110 m from the church, which is 100 m beyond the town hall. Which buildings are closer to the church, and how many times?
- Three buses
Three public transport buses depart together from the bus station in the morning. The first bus returns to the station after 18 minutes, the second after 12 minutes, and the third after 24 minutes. How long will again together at the station? Please expre
- Matches
George poured out-of-the-box matches and composed their triangles, and no match was left. Then he tried squares, hexagons, and octagons, and no match was left. How many matches must be at least in the box?
- Water pool
A pool with a volume of 990 hl is completely filled if water flows by one tap for 8 hours and by the second tap for 6 hours. The first tap gives 10hl more than a second per hour. How many hl flows in each of them in an hour?
- Sales off
Goods are worth € 70, and the price of goods fell by two weeks in a row by 10%. How much percent decreased overall?
- Ratio - rectangle
The rectangle has dimensions of 6 cm and 9 cm. When its dimensions increase in the ratio of 5:3, how many times does the area and perimeter increase?
- Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is 8880 km long. Historically valuable, however, is only 30% of its length. What amount of insurance pays the People's Republic of China a month for this monument if the insurance company charges $ 10 per year per kilometer of hist
- Czech crowns
Small Petra saves money. Grandfather gives her ten crowns. Petra asked his older sister to let her calculate how much he had saved. Sister told her that he had less than 30 crowns. If the sum is divided by three, leave one crown. Suppose the sum is divide
- Basements
In the first cellar, there are more flies than spiders. In the second, the opposite. In each cellar, the flies and spiders had a combined 100 legs. Determine how many flies and spiders could have been in the first and how many could have been in the secon
- Runners circle
Pepa circles the track in 36 seconds. Kamil in 42 seconds. They started together. How many seconds will we meet again at the start?
- Buttercups 2031
Paul has eight dry mushrooms, 1/2 fewer oaks, and cossacks, five times more than buttercups. Cossacks and buttercups have a total of 3 times more than dry mushrooms. How many mushrooms do they have together? And how many buttercups and how many Cossacks?
- Journey to grandma
Daniel traveled to Grandma. He traveled 100 km, halfway by train, one quarter by bus, one-tenth by bicycle, and the rest by car. How many km did he travel by car?
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