Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 270 of 305
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6087
- Metal sheet
The box has the shape of a cube with an edge length of 50 cm. How much m² of sheet metal is needed to beat a box if we add 20% on the folds of the lid and walls?
- Bread
Five of the same breads have the same weight as three pieces and 4 kg of fruit. What weight is one piece of bread?
- Shepherd
The shepherd has fewer than 500 sheep; where there can be up to 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 rows, there is always one remaining, and it can be increased up to 7 rows of sheep, and it is not increased any ovine. How many sheep have a shepherd?
- Plum
On the platter are plums. How many were there if its have to be able to share equally among 8,10, and 12 children?
- Paper squares
We should cut the paper rectangle measuring 69 cm and 46 cm into as many squares as possible. Calculate the lengths of squares and their number.
- Motor oil
Thirty liters of oil cost 28.80 Euros. How much cost a liter?
- Tram stop
At the tram stop, trams No. 4 and No. 5 met at 10 AM. Tram no. 4 runs every 5 minutes, tram No. 5 at an interval of 7 minutes. How many times will we meet until 12 o'clock?
- Steps
Peter's steps are 70 cm long, and John's are 45 cm long. After how many meters do their footsteps meet?
- Wipes
The mummy wiped out the square wipes, and the veil was next to each other on the cord stretched out between the two trees. She used a cord of 7.5 meters in length, requiring about 8 dm on each side of the trunk. All wipes are 45 cm wide. The mummy leaves
- Square grid
A square grid consists of a square with sides of a length of 1 cm. Draw at least three patterns, each with an area of 6 cm² and a circumference of 12 cm, and their sides in a square grid.
- Buses 4
Intervals: 1st bus 40 min. 2nd bus 2h 3rd bud 20min How long will it take them to meet - as soon as possible?
- Number train
The numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 traveled by train. The train had three cars, and each was carrying just three numbers. No. 1 rode in the first carriage, and in the last were all odd numbers. The conductor calculated the sum of the numbers in the first,
- Christmas Day
In leap years, it was 53 Sundays. On what day of the week fell Christmas Day?
- Cuboid box
How much m² paper is needed for the sticking cuboid box of dimensions 50 cm, 40 cm, and 30 cm? To the folds, add one-tenth the area.
- Lengthwise 2144
The mouse has 27 cubes, which it puts together in a large cube. Then it bit the middle cat on each side and another cat in the middle. The mouse has four children. He then cuts the cube lengthwise. How many cubes and what shape will four mice get?
- Janka and Danka
Janka and Danka began to read the books the same day. Janka had 276 pages, Danka 204 pages. They agreed that both read the same number of pages every day until They read their books. A) How many maximum pages do they have to read the day to honor their ag
- Container with water
The weight of a container with water is 2.48 kg. Suppose the cast is 75% water, and the container with water weighs 0.98 kg. Determine the weight of the empty container. How much water was originally in the container?
- Consecutive 2133
Petra was ill with three friends, each on a different day. Find out which day, who came, and what they handled. They came in three consecutive days a week. The first came on Tuesday. Karol did not come on Tuesday. Mirko arranged to change the date of the
- Embroidered 2131
Fractions. Elena embroidered a picture with 15 flowers. In a week, she managed to sew five flowers. What part of the embroidery does he still have to do?
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