Maths practice for 10 year olds - page 53 of 57
Number of problems found: 1130
- Angles
Which of those angles is obtuse?
- Roman numerals 2+
Add up the number written in Roman numerals. Write the results as roman numbers.
- Roman numerals +
Add up the number written in Roman numerals. Write the results as a decimal number.
- Cast brass
The brass cast weight was 3.84 kg. It had turned into piston weight 3.491 kg. How many grams of brass were turned off?
- Drive
8 people take out at the bus stop, and 4 people take into the bus. Next stop 5 take out, and 4 take in. On the third stop, 8 takes out, and 10 takes in. The bus traveled further with 37 people. How many passengers were originally on the bus?
- Thermometer
The thermometer showed -4°C in the morning. Then, the temperature increased by 5°C, again increased by 5°C, decreased by 1°C, and then decreased by 4°C. Which terminal temperature thermometer shows?
- Brick
Brick weight before drying is 5.3 kg. After drying, the bricks are 1 kilograms lighter. After firing, 0.7 kg is lighter than after drying. What is the weight of the brick after drying and firing?
- Integers
Maybe the sum of two integers will be less than their difference?
- President
The President of Slovakia earns a monthly € 7844 per month. How many times earn than Jimmy's mother's salary € 535? 15.3.2014 the presidential election, which decides who will almost effortlessly five years to receive such a big salary for nothing;)
- Lidl calculator
We don't like to advertise unnamed retail chains. But offers a relatively high-quality scientific/technical calculator, OLYMPIA 8510S with 97 functions(features) is for 3.48 Eur. Calculate how many cents cost one feature of this calculator. We believe tha
- Chocholate
The table of chocolate is divided into squares on its surface. Lengthwise has 15 squares and widthwise 19 squares. We must chocolate broke into individual squares. How many times have we broken it to get only individual squares? It is not permitted to bre
- Mom and daughter
Mom is 21 years older than the daughter. What is the age difference between them in 32 years?
- Trains
Daily passes the same track section 8 pairs of trains with average 2400 passengers. How many people, on average, travel on one train?
- Saving
Mom said that Suzan saves about 120 EUR (rounded to tens). How many euros could she at least save (minimum)?
- Weeks
22 weeks is equal to how many days?
- Wire cut
A wire of length 9 m was cut into equal lengths using 5 cuts. How long is each piece?
- Mistake
Nicol needs to correct errors when calculating in school. Instead of adding the number 20, she subtracts it. What is the difference between the result and the correct result?
- Cyclist
A cyclist passes 64 km in 4 hours. How many kilometers did he pass in 7 hours?
- Building
Lenka has 22 cubes for constructing a building comprising three cubes in height, the width of two cubes, and the length of four cubes. Is she able to build a building with these cubes?
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