Multiplication principle - practice problems - page 5 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- Calculation 73364
From the number 5,4,0,7,8, create three-digit numbers, so they do not repeat and solve the problem by calculation.
- Four-digit 73114
How many four-digit numbers can we assemble from the digits 2, 6, 3, 5, 1, and 9 if the numerals in the number cannot be repeated?
- T-shirts 73074
Dušan has 8 T-shirts and three pairs of shorts in his closet. How many ways can he dress for school?
- Probability 73054
We roll six dice. What is the probability that: a) a six falls twice b) six falls four times
- Between 72924
How many ways do we know to select three cards from a deck of seven cards so that there are two red and one green between them?
- Probability 72324
When entering the PIN code, we used the digits 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 only once. What is the probability that someone will guess our PIN code on the first try?
- Groups 72194
I have eight groups. How could they place first, second, and third?
- Three-digit 72184
How many three-digit numbers can be created from the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 if you can repeat them?
- Probability 71784
What is the probability that if you roll the die twice, the sum of 12 will fall?
- Three-digit 71724
Use the product rule to find out how many three-digit numbers exist.
- Second prize
Jamie and Mark each bought a raffle ticket to win a new laptop or a new cell phone, where only 125 tickets were told. The first ticket holder wins the prize of their choice and is removed from the drawing. The holder of the second ticket drawn wins the re
- Identical 71234
How many ways can you divide two identical apples and: a) 3, b) 4, c) 5 identical pears between Janka and Mařenka?
- Distinguish 71184
We randomly choose a family with three children. We distinguish between gender and age. Determine the probability that: a) the youngest girl will be among the children b) all children will be of the same sex
- Probability 71174
Find the probability that one will fall at least once in three rolls.
- Two-digit 71134
How many natural two-digit numbers can we form from the digits 0, 1, 2, and 3 if we cannot repeat the digits in these numbers?
- Assemble 70414
How many ways can we assemble five wagons when sand is in three wagons and cement in two?
- Including 70264
A group of six, including at least three women, is selected from seven men and four women. Find how many ways we can do this.
- Distribute 70244
We have to distribute the keys to the safe among four people so that no two of them can open the safe but in such a way that any three can open the safe. How many minimum keys do we need? How to divide them? How many minimum locks must be on the safe? All
- Assume
Assume that you are to buy 5 pesos worth of candy in two different stores. In your coin purse that contains two 20-peso coins, three 10-peso coins, six 5-peso coins, and seven 1-peso coins, what is the probability of getting two consecutive 5-peso coins f
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