Multiplication principle - math word problems - page 24 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- Keyboards keys
Michael had small keys on the shelf, which you can see in the picture. Their tones were marked on the white keys. Little Clara found the keys. As she took them off the shelf, they fell out of her hand, and all the white keys spilled out. So that the broth
- Disco
At the disco, there are 12 boys and 15 girls. In how many ways can we select four dancing couples?
- Division
The division has 18 members: 10 girls, six boys, and two leaders. If one patrol has two boys, three girls, and one leader, how many different patrols can be created?
- Password dalibor
Kamila wants to change the password daliborZ by a) two consonants exchanged between themselves, b) changes one little vowel to such same great vowel c) makes these two changes. How many opportunities do you have a choice?
- Class pairs
In a class of 34 students, including 14 boys and 20 girls. How many couples (heterosexual, boy-girl) can we create? By what formula?
- PIN - codes
How many five-digit PIN - codes can we create using the even numbers?
- Hockey game
In the hockey game, they scored six goals. The Czechs played against Finland. The Czechs won 4:2. In what order did they fall goals? How many game sequences were possible during the game?
- Three-digit numbers
How many three-digit numbers are from the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6 8 (with/without repetition)?
- Five-digit
Find all five-digit numbers that can be created from number 12345 so that the numbers are not repeated and then numbers with repeated digits. Give the calculation.
- Probability 1775
The company has produced 500,000 cars so far, of which 5,000 were defective. What is the probability that at most one car out of 50 cars in daily production will be defective?
- Hockey match
The hockey match ended with a result of 3:1. How many different storylines may the match have?
- Neighborhood
I have 7 cups: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. How many opportunities for standings cups are there if 1 and 2 are always neighborhood?
- Three digits number 2
Find the number of all three-digit positive integers that can be put together from digits 1,2,3,4 and which are subject to the same time has the following conditions: on one position is one of the numbers 1,3,4, on the place of hundreds 4 or 2.
- The confectionery
The confectionery sold five kinds of ice cream. If the order of ice cream does not matter, how many ways can I buy three kinds?
- travel agency
A small travel agency offers five different honeymoon tours. What is the probability that the bride and groom will choose the same tour (they will choose independently)?
- One green
There are 45 white and 15 green balls in the container. We randomly select five balls. What is the probability that there will be one green ball maximally?
- Three-digit
How many three-digit natural numbers are greater than 321 if no digit in the number is repeated?
- Intersection of the lines
How many points do nine lines intersect in a plane, of which four are parallel, and of the other five, no two are parallel (and if we assume that only two lines pass through each intersection)?
- Chambers
The decision-making committee consists of three people. For the commission's decision to be valid, at least two members must vote similarly. It is not possible not to vote in the commission. Everyone only votes yes or no. We assume that the first two memb
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