Multiplication principle - math word problems - page 23 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- Permutations
How many 4-digit numbers can be composed of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 if: a, the digits must not be repeated in the number b, the number should be divisible by five, and the numbers must not be repeated c, digits can be repeated
- Competition
Fifteen boys and ten girls are in the class. In the school competition, a six-member team composed of four boys and two girls is selected. How many ways can we choose students?
- Fourland 3542
In Fourland, they only have four letters F, O, U, and R, and every word has exactly four letters. No letter may be repeated in any word. Write all the words that can be written with them.
- Themselves 3463
How many different ways can members of a 7-member philatelic circle elect a secretary and a steward from among themselves?
- Attempts 3460
How many attempts do I need to guess the 3-digit PIN to be sure I can guess it?
- Together 3331
The group has 12 red girls and 25 blue girls in costumes. How many of them can we put together a group of 6 girls so that the four girls have red outfits?
- Probability 3322
We have the numbers 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. What is the probability that with a randomly selected triangle, these will be the lengths of the sides of a scalene triangle?
- Two-digit 3085
How many two-digit numbers can you create from the digits 7,0,1 and 5 if the numerals can be repeated?
- Probability 3080
There are eight styles of graduation topics in the Slovak language. The Minister of Education draws 4 of them. How likely is he to choose at least one of the pairs?
- Metals
Play eight teams in the Hockey World Cup and determine how many ways they can win gold, silver, and bronze medals.
- Prize
How many ways can 9 participants be rewarded with the first, second, and third prizes in a sports competition?
- Olympics metals
How many ways can one win six athletes' medal positions in the Olympics? Metal color matters.
- Combinations of sweaters
I have four sweaters: two white, one red, and one green. How many ways can you sort them out?
- Left-handed 2571
Eva, Lucia, Barbora, Ivana, and Slávka are good friends, so they always want to sit at one long table next to each other in biology class. How many ways can they sit if Slavka is left-handed and, therefore, always wants to sit on the left side of the tabl
- Dices throws
What is the probability that the two throws of the dice: a) Six falls even once b) Six will fall at least once
- Sum 10
What is the probability that two dice thrown twice in a row will result in the sum of 10?
- Throw
We throw two times with two dice. What is the probability that the first roll will fall more than the sum of 9 and the second throw has a sum of 3 or does not have the sum of 4?
- Probability 2386
We throw a die seven times. What is the probability that: a) the first, second, and third times fall six and not in all the others, b) 5 does not fall four times in a row, and yes, in the last 3 hours?
- Probability
In the lottery, numbers are drawn from five to 50. What are the chances you will win the first prize?
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