Multiplication principle - math word problems - page 14 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- How many 4
How many four-digit numbers that are divisible by ten can be created from the numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 0 such no digits repeats?
- Variations 26791
If the number of elements increases by two, the number of variations of the second class of these elements created by 38 increases. What is the original number of elements?
- Numbers 26591
How many can even 2-digit numbers be created from the number 2,3,4,5 if it cannot repeat them?
- Coffe cups
We have 4 cups with four different patterns. How many possible combinations can we create from 4 cups?
- Tournament
How many matches will be played in a football tournament in which there are two groups of 5 teams if one match is played in groups with each other and the group winners play a match for the tournament's overall winner?
- Selected 26381
Seven people need to be selected from the sports club, where 11 men and nine women. How many ways can we do this if seven women are on the team?
- Four-digit numbers
How many four-digit numbers can we make from the numbers 2, 6, 3, 5, 1, and 9 if we cannot repeat the numbers in the number?
- Two-digit 26211
Write all two-digit numbers using the numbers 4 and 7
- Positions 26151
How many positions are there to store three books on the shelf?
- Different 25431
Tickets have 9 numbered windows. How many different codes can be set for each other if 3 or 4 windows are punched?
- Research in school
For particular research in high school, four pupils are selected from a class of 30 pupils. Calculate the number of all possible results of the selection and further calculate the number of all possible results if it depends on the order in which the stud
- Three-digit numbers
We have digits 0, 1, 4, and 7 that we cannot repeat. How many three-digit numbers can we write from them? You can help by listing all the numbers.
- Birthday paradox
How large is the group of people so that the probability that two people have a birthday on the same day of the year is greater than 90%?
- Gold, silver, bronze
How many ways can we divide gold, silver, and bronze medals if six people compete?
- Five letters
How many ways can five letters be arranged?
- Differently 22543
Jasmine is a big paradise. She wants to go differently dressed every day. She has four different shoes, seven skirts, 8 T-shirts, and three hair ornaments. How many days can an outfit be combined each time?
- The test
The test contains four questions, with five different answers to each of them, of which only one is correct, and the others are incorrect. What is the probability that a student who does not know the answer to any question will guess the right answers to
- Defective 22153
There are 11 products in the box, of which just four are defective. How many ways can we choose five products so that at least four are not faulty?
- Combinations and eggs
You have colored 4 red eggs, 3 green, 4 yellow, 5 blue, and 5 white. A caroler stops by you, and you decide to give him three eggs of different colors. How many options (different color combinations) do you have for gifting a caroler?
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