Multiplication principle - math word problems - page 13 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- Number 4
Kamila wrote all-natural numbers from 1 to 400 inclusive. How many times did she write the number 4?
- Double-digit 33471
How many double-digit numbers greater than 60 can we make from digits 0,5,6,7,8,9? The numerals must not be repeated.
- Two-element combinations
Write all two-element combinations from elements a, b, c, and d.
- Competition 33041
The long-term volleyball tournament is played one-on-one. So far, 11 teams have entered the competition. How many matches will be lost when two teams unsubscribe?
- Probability 32951
Determine the probability that when drawing three cards from a complete set of 32 marriage cards, it will be the same acorns or the kings themselves.
- Ascending 32663
How many natural numbers can you make from the digits in 4052? No digit may be repeated in the number entry. Sort the numbers in ascending order of size.
- Three colors
Find the probability that three balls of the same color will be drawn from fate with ten white, ten red, and ten blue balls.
- 3-digit 32301
How many 3-digit numbers can be created from the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 if we can repeat them?
- 4-digit 32251
How many 4-digit numbers to two decimal places do we create when we use the numbers 7, 5, 0, 3
- Wedding guests
Fifteen wedding guests could not agree on who would stand in the wedding photo. The groom suggested that all possible sets of wedding guests be made in the photographs.
- School committee
Seven students were elected to the school committee. How many ways can the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer be selected?
- Participants 31351
How many ways can the first, second, and third prizes be awarded to the 15 participants in the math competition?
- Probability 31101
There are 16 balls in the box, of which seven are white, and nine are blue. We randomly select two balls. What probability will there be exactly two white balls among the selected ones?
- Non-repeating 30101
1. How many different options are there for exchanging a ten-euro bill with one-euro, two-euro, and five-euro bills? a) 5 b) 8 c) 14 d) 10 2. How many non-repeating three-digit numbers can be written using odd digits? a) 999 b) 225 c) 60 d) 25
- Indicated 29611
In the hotel, the room numbers are indicated by a 3-digit number and one of the letters A B. The first digit indicates the floor number. How many rooms can they have in the hotel?
- Combinations 29311
We have seven players and have to form a 5-member team where 6 and 7 players cannot play together. How many possible combinations can the coach make? Please explain.
- Big numbers
How many natural numbers less than 10 to the sixth can be written in numbers: a) 9.8.7 b) 9.8.0
- You have
You have four reindeer and want to have 3 fly your sleigh. You always have your reindeer fly in a single-file line. How many different ways can you arrange your reindeer?
- Hazard game
In the Sportka hazard game, six numbers out of 49 are drawn. What is the probability that we will win: a) second prize (we guess five numbers correctly) b) the third prize (we guess four numbers correctly)?
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