Inverse proportion - math word problems - page 13 of 20
Inverse relationship, also called Inverse proportion occurs when one value increases and the other decreases. For example, more workers on a job would reduce the time to complete the task. They are inversely proportional. Two sequences of numbers are inversely proportional if corresponding elements have a constant product, also called the coefficient of proportionality.Number of problems found: 384
- Orange colour
For the painter to get orange, he has to mix yellow and red in a ratio of 3:4. If he used 8 liters of red, how many liters of orange did he mix?
- Sweethearts 5403
Four sweethearts eat ten cakes in 30 minutes. How many minutes will 27 cakes last for nine sweets?
- Identical 5362
120 hl of water flows out of the tank through 4 pipes in 16 hours. How much water flows through 5 identical pipes in 14 hours?
- Kilo candy
One kilogram of chocolate candy costs 10 euros. Kate bought 250 grams and had the eight-pack of candy. How much does one bonbon cost?
- Chicks
How many chicks were hatched from 4500 eggs, while an average of 100 eggs hatched 87?
- Cooling liquid
Cooling liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 3:2 (3 parts by volume of coolant with two volumes of water). How many coolant volumes must be prepared for a total of 0.7 dm³ (liters) of the mixture?
- Powerful 5189
Three equally powerful pumps drain water from a flooded pit in 7 hours. In how many hours would drain water from a pit of 5 equally powerful pumps
- One deci
Wine 0,375 l costs 2040 CZK. How much does one dl cost?
- Sequence 11
What is the nth term of this sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 ...?
- Acres
For two hours, 24 students harvested chestnuts on 36 acres. How many square meters are harvested by one student per hour?
- Outstanding 5054
I have CZK 6,155, and I need to divide it as a percentage into two outstanding amounts: CZK 12,000 and CZK 35,000. How much money will I send to each of them? Thank you for your answer.
- Inspectors 5037
Five inspectors will catch an average of 70 black passengers in 6 days. How many black passengers are caught by nine inspectors in 10 days?
- Baker
The baker needs 10 kg of flour to make 12 kg of dough. How much flour does he need to make a 100 kg dough?
- Sea water
One tonne of seawater contains 25 kg of salt. How many tonnes of seawater needs to be evaporated to obtain 1 tonne of salt?
- Smaller 4835
There are two gears in the wall clock. The larger wheel has 54 teeth, and the smaller one has 24 teeth. How many times does the small wheel turn if the big one turns four times?
- Bronze medal
To produce 1 kg of bronze must be 0.95 kg copper, 0.04 kilograms of tin, and 0.01 kg zinc. The bronze medal weighs 8.5 g. How much copper, tin, and zinc does the medal have?
- Three workers
Three workers were paid for their work. The first earned € 50, the second € 100, and the third € 60. For further work, we should receive € 735 together. How do you divide that amount to be distributed in the same proportion as the first job?
- Workers
Nine workers dig a canal 120 meters long for eight hours. For how long would digging five workers' canals be 200 meters long?
- Purchased 4522
Ten friends decided to go hiking. They bought food supplies for 9 days. Before starting hiking, 4 boys fell ill. How many days can the boys extend their stay if they take the purchased food supply?
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