Integer equation - practice problems - page 3 of 9
Direction: Solve each problem carefully and show your solution in each item.Number of problems found: 178
- The temperature 14
The temperature is 12°C lower than 4 hours ago. a. What is the average temperature change per hour? b. Write an integer equation for the situation.
- Two numbers
One number is 79 more than the other. If we divide the larger number by the smaller one, we get the quotient five and the remainder 11. Determine both numbers.
- Chad buys
Chad buys peanuts in 2-pound bags. He repackages them into bags that hold 5/6 pounds of peanuts. How many 2-pound bags of peanuts should Chad buy to fill the 5/6-pound bags without having any peanuts left over?
- Five number code
I forgot a five-digit code on the bag. I remember that it was a symmetric number, and the sum of its digits was 22. Write down all the numbers that can be coded.
Solving the problem of substituting letters with numbers in the word MATHEMATICS: MAT + EMA = TIK
- A fraction
I think of a fraction. If we increase its numerator and denominator by one, the value of the fraction increases by one-tenth. What fraction do I think?
- Two-digit number
In a two-digit number, the number of tens is three greater than the number of units. If we multiply the original number by a number written in the same digits but in reverse order, we get product 3 478. Find the original number.
- Harry
Harry Thomson bought a large land in the shape of a rectangle with a circumference of 90 meters. He divided it into three rectangular plots. The shorter side has all three plots of equal length. Their longer sides are three consecutive natural numbers. Fi
- Dimensions 42501
Find at least six different dimensions (in meters) of a rectangle with a capacity of 20 m2
- Happy marriage
Jan and Marienka have been in a happy marriage for several years. Jan's age is written in the same numbers as Marienka's, only in reverse order. Their ages differ by just a fifth of Marienka's. Jan is older. How old is Jan, and how many is Marienka?
- Pigs
A buyer said, "I want to buy 100 pigs for 100 denarii. An adult pig costs ten denarii, a sow five denarii, and two little piglets are worth one denarius. " How many pigs, cows, and piglets could he buy for exactly 100 denarii?
- Exchange € 100
Find out how many ways you can exchange € 100 if you have an unlimited number of 50, 20, 10, and 5 euro banknotes. Use a method other than listing all options systematically.
- Installments 39841
I received 30 euros in 7 installments, each installment being in whole euros. How many ways could this happen? What if the installments can be even 0 euros? How many possible solutions will there be?
- The theater
The Manila theater charged ticket prices: adults php 500, students php 250, and children below 12 are php 100. The theater collected a total of Php 100,000.00 from an audience of 250 people. What is a possible audience composition regarding the numbers of
- Coloured numbers
Mussel wrote four different natural numbers with colored markers: red, blue, green, and yellow. When the red number is divided by blue, it gets the green number is an incomplete proportion, and yellow represents the remainder after this division. When it
- Find x 2
Find x, y, and z such that x³+y³+z³=k for each k from 1 to 100. Write down the number of solutions.
- Dance ensembles
Four dance ensembles were dancing at the festival. None had less than ten and more than 20 members. All dancers from some of the two ensembles were represented in each dance. First, 31 participants were on the stage, then 32, 34, 35, 37, and 38. How many
- How many
How many different rectangles with integer side lengths have an area S = 60 cm²?
- Non-repeating 30101
1. How many different options are there for exchanging a ten-euro bill with one-euro, two-euro, and five-euro bills? a) 5 b) 8 c) 14 d) 10 2. How many non-repeating three-digit numbers can be written using odd digits? a) 999 b) 225 c) 60 d) 25
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