Integer equation - practice problems - last page
Number of problems found: 178
- Cooks
Four cooks cleaned 5 kg of potatoes for 10 minutes. How many cooks would have to work cleaning 9 kg of potatoes for 12 minutes?
- Mushrooms from the forest
Magda and Tereza go to pick mushrooms. Found 70 mushrooms. Magda found that between fungi, 5/9 bedel was found. Tereza discovered that she found 2/17 champignons among fungi. How many mushrooms were found, Magda?
- Cottages
The summer camp has 41 cottages. Each has rooms for three and four. How many of the 140 campers live on three?
- Sinus
Determine the smallest integer p for which the equation 4 sin x = p has no solution.
- Quadratic function
It is given a quadratic function y = -4x²+5x+c with an unknown coefficient c. Determine the smallest integer c for which the graph of f intersects the x-axis at two different points.
- Line
Straight-line passing through points A [-3; 22] and B [33; -2]. Determine the total number of points of the line in which both coordinates are positive integers.
- Sugar - cuboid
Pablo received from his master a cuboid composed of identical sugar cubes, each weighing between 1000 and 2000. The Pejko eat sugar cubes in layers. On the first day, eat one layer from the front. On the second day, one layer is from the right, and on the
- Package
The package has no more than 66 m of cloth. If we just cut it all on the blouses or all on dresses, no cloth left to remain. On the one blouse consumes 1.3 m of cloth and on one dress 5 m. Determine the amount of the cloth in the package.
- Group
A group of kids wanted to ride when the children were divided into groups of 3 children, one remained. When divided into groups of 4 children, one remains. When divided into groups of 6 children, one remains. After being divided into groups of 5 children,
- Divisibility
Determine the smallest integer which divided 11 gives remainder 4. When divided, 15 gives remainder 10 and when divided by 19 gives remainder 16.
- Square Number
If to a square of integer number add 43, we get the square of the following integer number. What is the original number?
- Clock
How many times a day do hands on a clock overlap?
- Cherries
Cherries in the bowl can be divided equally among 20 or 15, or 10 children. How many are the minimum cherries in the bowl?
- Diofant 2
Is equation 1140x +876y = 48 solvable on the set of integers Z?
- Diofant equation
In the set of integers (Z), solve the equation: 212x +316y =0 Write result with integer parameter t in Z (parameter t = ...-2,-1,0,1,2,3... if equation has infinitely many solutions)
- Seedcake
Seedcake costs 44 cents. How many minimum seedcakes must we buy that we can pay in cash, only whole euros?
- Number
Calculate the integer number divided by 34, gives 10 and the rest 25.
- Salary raise
The monthly salary was 620 Eur. During the year, it was raised to 727 Eur. Calculate the month from salary was increased that employee earned 7547 Eur during the whole year.
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