Greatest common divisor (GCD) - practice problems - page 7 of 8
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of the integers is the largest positive integer that divides each of the integers. Also called as highest common factor (HCF). Greatest common divisors can be computed by the prime factorizations of the numbers and comparing factors.Number of problems found: 156
- Purchased 4522
Ten friends decided to go hiking. They bought food supplies for 9 days. Before starting hiking, 4 boys fell ill. How many days can the boys extend their stay if they take the purchased food supply?
- Sports students
The school has 120 athletes, 48 volleyball players, and 72 handball players with extended sports training. Is it possible to divide sports students into groups so that the number in each group is the same and expressed by the largest possible number?
- Neither 4182
Hanka gave Simon a riddle: guess a pair of numbers whose GCD is 7, and LCM is 90. Katy wanted Šimon to guess such a pair for which GCD is 7, and LCM is 91. Which riddle could Šimon guess? A: Katy B: Hankina C: neither D: Both
- Measured 4046
Peter cut the two bars into equal parts but made them as large as possible. One rod measured 42 cm, the other 63 cm. How many cuts did he have to make?
- Ornamental shrubs
Children committed to planting 240 ornamental shrubs. Their commitment, however, was exceeded by 48 shrubs. Write the ratio (r) of actually planted shrubs and commitment by the lowest possible integers a/b.
- Specify: 4001
Specify: a = D (240,320) b = n (40.64)
- Apples and pears
Mom divided 24 apples and 15 pears among the children. Each child received the same number of apples and pears - the same number as their siblings. How many apples (j=?) and pears (h=?) were received for each child?
- Infinitely 3818
We have 2 numbers. If we multiplied the first number's third root by the second number's square root, we would get the number 18. Determine these 2 numbers. Calculate only the integer solution if the problem has infinitely many solutions in the set of rea
- Square tiles
The room has dimensions of 12 meters and 5.6 meters. Determine the number of square tiles and their largest dimension to cover the floor exactly.
- Decompose
Decompose into primes and find the smallest common multiple n of (16,20) and the largest common divisor D of the pair of numbers (140,100)
- Decompose 3076
Decompose into primes and find the greatest divisor of the pair of numbers D (84.70).
- Rectangular flowerbed
Around the rectangular flowerbed with dimensions of 5.25 m and 3.50 m, roses should be planted at the same distance from each other so that they are located in each corner of the flower bed and consumed as little as possible. How far do we plant them? How
- Bus intervals
At 9:00 a.m., three local buses met at the stop. The first bus has intervals of 20 minutes, the second every 25 minutes, and the third every 30 minutes. At what time will they meet again at this stop?
- Necessary 2895
From two wooden poles 240 cm long and 210 cm long, it is necessary to cut pegs of the same length as long as possible so that no residue remains. How many such pins can be cut?
- Granddaughter 2789
Grandma and her granddaughter Barunka have a birthday on the same day. During six consecutive birthday celebrations, Grandma's age was always divisible by Barunka's age. How many birthdays did Grandma celebrate at the last of these six celebrations? Grand
- Gcd and lcm
Calculate the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of numbers. a) 16 and 18 b) 24 and 22 c) 45 and 60 d) 36 and 30
- School books
At the beginning of the school year, the teacher distributed 480 workbooks and 220 textbooks. How many pupils could have the most in the classroom?
- Florist
The florist has 84 red and 48 white roses. How many bouquets can he make from them if he must use all roses?
- Bicycle wheels
The driving wheel of a bicycle has 54 teeth. The driven wheel has 22 teeth. How many revolutions will meet the same teeth after?
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